Waca Cipta Ruang is a scientific journal published by the  Interior Design Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia in May and November each year. This journal publishes the results of research and studies on Interior Design including theoretical studies, arts and cultural studies, and design studies in the context of space, which are focused on the theme of space and culture.

Waca Cipta Ruang journal collaborates with HDII Jawa Barat (Indonesian Interior Designers Association) professional association and the Design and Art Journal: NARADA in order to improve the quality of manuscripts published in our journal.

Before registering a manuscript, please fill out the registration form first via the link:  https://forms.gle/Kuyzqdq7Bbjmy16Y9 with The manuscript received is a manuscript that meets the conditions made by the journal editorial team, and will be reviewed by reviewers through a blind review process, where the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and vice versa. The Letter of Acceptance (LOA) will only be issued after the manuscript has passed the specified stages, namely: check turnitin and review from the reviewer, so that it meets the standards of the space copyright journal.




Vol 10 No 1 (2024): Waca Cipta Ruang : Jurnal Ilmiah Desain Interior

Published: 2024-05-31

Persepsi Wisatawan Lokal pada Interior Onshore Floating Resort

Ratna Andriani Nastiti, Alfian Candra Ayuswantana, Onna Anieko Tanadda, Ibrahim Fata, Nevlin Cresentia Herwina, Mazaya Islami Dini


The Role Of Bale Sarasehan In The Maintenance And Preservation Of Local Cultural Identity in Cireundeu Traditional Village

Bassya Saquf Turmudzi, Muhammad Al Fariz, Sarah Salmadha Putri, Balya Ramdifa Al Aziz, Salmon Priaji Martana


The Influence of Interior Color on Visitor Attraction at Lush Pets Co.

Sydney Wijaya Pieloor, Yuma Chandrahera, Tessa Eka Darmayanti


Pengaruh Desain Interior pada Kenyamanan Pengunjung di FDC Dental Clinic

Niken Laksitarini, Ardianto Nugroho, Salsabila Zashika Rizki, Ciputra Tegar Perkasa


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