
Abstract - One way of processing organic waste is to make it compost by breaking down food scraps such as vegetables, leftover fruits, dry or wet leaves that are piled up in a composter. One of the applications of technology in the compost decomposition process is the Internet of Things (IoT) which can provide important information such as humidity levels, temperature and pH as a reference for composting success which can be monitored at any time. Maintain the critical success parameter conditions by implementing a control system built using the fuzzy logic control (FLC) method which is able to stabilize the determining parameters during the composting process. The measurement results through the YL-69 humidity sensor readings showed good results even though there was an average error of 2.95%. The reading of the ds18b20 temperature sensor is very accurate, where the error value is 0%. Meanwhile, pH sensor readings have an average error of 0.728%, meaning that these sensors can be categorized as good which have a high degree of accuracy because the average error is <3%. The overall test was carried out for 30 days with varying humidity, temperature and pH levels. The compost produced with the help of a system designed to meet the Quality Standards for Compost Fertilizer has a humidity level of 50.35%, a temperature of 25 ℃ and a pH of 6.7, and has a blackish color and smells of soil.


Keywords : Organic Waste, compos fertlizer, , Fuzzy Logic Control, monitoring, Internet of things