Telekontran : Jurnal Ilmiah Telekomunikasi, Kendali dan Elektronika Terapan 2024-07-30T09:57:35+07:00 Jana Utama Open Journal Systems <p>&nbsp;</p> <table style="height: 749px;" width="728"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="top"> <p><img src="/public/site/images/janautama/TELEKONTRAN_vol_11_no_2_Oktober_2023_Edit_Jana_Publish_Cover_page-00011.jpg" width="434" height="615"><br>&nbsp;</p> </td> <td style="width: 12px;">&nbsp;</td> <td align="top"> <p><strong><small><strong>Telekontran : Jurnal Ilmiah Telekomunikasi, Kendali dan Elektronika Terapan,&nbsp;with ISSN :&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="">2303-2901</a> (print) and ISSN :<a href="">&nbsp;2654-7384</a>&nbsp;(online), DOI Prefix :&nbsp;<a href="">10.34010/telekontran</a>, is a scientific journal published by Electrical Engineering Departement, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Universitas Komputer Indonesia.</strong></small></strong></p> <p><strong><small><strong>Telekontran has currently been accredited Sinta 4 by the Directorate General of Research Strengthening and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia.<br>In 2023, Telekontran has carried out Reaccreditation, and has been declared to have risen in rank from Sinta 5 to Rank Sinta 4. Starting from Volume 10 Number 2 of 2022 to Volume 15 Number 1 of 2027, in accordance with the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology Number 72/E/KPT/2024. </strong></small></strong></p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>&nbsp;Specific topics of interest include (but are not confined to):</p> <ul> <li class="show"><small><em>Signal, System and Electronics</em></small></li> <li class="show"><small><em>Digital Signal Processing</em></small></li> <li class="show"><small><em>Robotic Systems</em></small></li> <li class="show"><small><em>Image Processing</em></small></li> <li class="show"><small><em>Biomedical Instrumentation</em></small></li> <li class="show"><small><em>Micro Electronics</em></small></li> <li class="show"><small><em>Embedded Systems</em></small></li> </ul> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><small>Any submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers. Review process employs double-blind review that the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewers.</small></p> <p><strong>Telekontran : Jurnal Ilmiah Telekomunikasi, Kendali dan Elektronika Terapan </strong>indexed by:</p> <p><strong><a title="google scholar" href=";as_sdt=0%2C5&amp;q=TElekontran&amp;btnG=" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/janautama/googlescholar13.png"></a><a title="Sinta" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/janautama/Sinta1.png"></a><a title="garuda" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/janautama/Garuda2.png"></a><a title="crossref" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/janautama/crossref.png"></a><a title="DIMENSIONS" href=";search_text=telekontran&amp;search_type=kws&amp;search_field=full_search" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/janautama/Dimensions2.png"></a></strong><a title="SIS" href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"><img src="/public/site/images/janautama/IndexSIS1.png"></a></p> Pengembangan Sistem Absensi Mahasiswa Menggunakan Esp32 Berbasis Internet of Things 2024-06-03T16:02:11+07:00 Eka Putra Prastya Misbah Misbah <p><em>Muhammadiyah Gresik University is one of the educational institutions in Gresik City. At Muhammadiyah University of Gresik there are various faculties and study programs which are certainly not far from the student attendance registration system. Muhammadiyuah Gresik University uses an attendance registration system in the form of Manual Attendance and SPADA Digital Attendance. From this attendance system, fraud often occurs. Apart from these things, the Administration of the Faculty of Engineering also has several obstacles in managing student attendance data, namely that there are two types of attendance list management so that student attendance data must be managed twice through Manual attendance and SPADA Digital Attendance. And in both systems the number of attendance is not listed, so you have to calculate attendance manually. To overcome this, an attendance system update was carried out, namely using IoT-based Fingerprint using an ESP32 microcontroller. The work process in this attendance system is that the attendance system can be monitored in real-time and record student attendance efficiently. This system is processed by an ESP32 microcontroller which then manages the data using Google Spreadsheet in real-time. The results of implementing this system can be real-time monitoring of attendance, effective data management, and reducing the occurrence of fraud in student attendance.</em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Implementation Of Hector Slam Algorithm For Indoor Mapping Using Automated Guided Vehicle Robot 2024-05-03T12:41:09+07:00 Muhamad Khosyi Izzatullah <p>Developments in the industrial world are increasingly rapid along with technological developments,<br>autonomous robots are one of the many developed and used in the industrial world and become important<br>which is widely used in various industrial sectors. Autonomous robots move using navigation systems to<br>recognize the environment, navigation has an important role in autonomous robots but navigation requires an<br>accurate map with the surrounding environment so that the robot can move in accordance with the<br>environment. In this study, mapping accuracy analysis was carried out using the Hector-SLAM algorithm<br>method to map the surrounding environment by simulation and real-time (robot). This research has several<br>important compounds including robot operating systems (Robot Operating System), data filters such as hector<br>scan matching where to construct the data obtained, the type of sensor is very influential on the quality of the<br>map produced. This study tests whether the hector scan matching algorithm can do environment mapping<br>accurately. The results of this study can be concluded that, the map produced from the simulation and robot<br>(real) has a fairly good accuracy, this is based on matching the results of the simulation mapping and robot<br>(real) which has an accuracy of SSIM: 77.26%, MSE Error: 3.96%, Pixel Match: 55.46% of the robot mapping<br>results (real) while from the simulation results are displayed in the 2nd scenario used to compare with robots<br>obtained accuracy of SSIM: 87.29%, MSE Error: 1.65% and Pixel Match: 81.11%.</p> 2024-04-30T23:50:17+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Utilisation of A Star Algorithm in Determining Tourism Routes in Palangka Raya City 2024-06-03T16:02:11+07:00 Naufal Ihsan Sriyanto Ferdy Afriza Maulana Rivan Aprilian Efrans Christian Viktor Handrianus Pranatawijaya <p><em>The Utilization of the A* Algorithm in Determining Tour Routes in Palangka Raya City is a study aimed at providing a solution for determining optimal tourist routes for visitors in Palangka Raya City. By employing the A* algorithm, this research offers an efficient tool to find the shortest route between selected tourist destinations, considering both distance and travel cost. The method involves initializing a graph that represents the relationships between tourist destinations, followed by the implementation of the A* algorithm for finding the best route. The research findings demonstrate that this algorithm can provide optimal routes with accurate estimations of distance and cost. A brief discussion on the research results highlights the strengths and limitations of this algorithm in the context of tourism applications. In conclusion, this research makes a significant contribution to facilitating visitors in planning their tourist trips in Palangka Raya City, with the potential positive impact on the tourism industry and visitor experiences.</em></p> 2024-05-29T08:01:10+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Prototype of Data Record System for RFID-Based Measuring Instruments, Measures, Weights and Equipment 2024-07-05T10:29:51+07:00 Ardelia Ruciragati Kumala <p><em>In metrological supervision, the method of recording data on Measuring Instruments, Measures, Scales, and Equipment (UTTP) still uses conventional methods by writing or typing data on surveillance forms. Generally, retrieving data for one UTTP takes about 2 minutes at the earliest. This time is only for data recording and does not include the allocation of time for technical testing so that it becomes an obstacle if the number of supervised UTTPs amounts to hundreds or thousands. To reduce the duration of data recording, in this study a prototype design of a UTTP data recording system based on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) was carried out. The data communication system on the proposed prototype uses an On-The-Go (OTG) connection between the smartphone and Arduino UNO. This allows MFRC522 RFID modules connected to Arduino to access RFID data without the need for an external power supply and access to the network. The prototype features data storage on smartphone memory in Microsoft Excel format. Testing on the designed prototype includes data access to RFID tags in the form of cards, keys, and stickers. Based on the test, the maximum time required for the process of reading and writing data on RFID tags is 0.56 seconds, shorter than the conventional method which requires 124.56 seconds. RFID systems can detect tags up to a maximum angular tilt of 135º and can still function with barrier media in the form of plastic, wood, and cardboard.</em></p> 2024-05-29T08:16:02+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Studi Performansi Algoritma Perencanaan Jalur Berbasis Informed Rapidly-exploring Random Tree Star 2024-07-19T09:09:35+07:00 Tri Rahajoeningroem Dwi Anie Gunastuti <p><em>Path planning is an important aspect in robotics, allowing a robot to reach its destination safely and efficiently. The Informed Rapidly-exploring Random Tree Star (Informed RRT*) algorithm has become one of the popular path planning methods due to its efficiency and ability to handle complex workspaces. Since its introduction in 2014, various variants of Informed RRT have been developed to improve its performance. However, there has been no comprehensive study comparing the performance of these variants. This research aims to conduct a comparative study of the performance of several Informed RRT variants in solving path planning problems. The algorithms compared are APF-IRRT, BI-RRT, Informed RRT* + DWA, Informed RRT*-Connect, Informed RRT*-PSO, MI-RRT-Connect, and Informed RRT* with wrapping** procedure. Algorithm performance is evaluated based on computation time and path length metrics. Experiments were conducted on various path planning scenarios with different complexities. The results show that certain Informed RRT variants perform better than others in different metrics. APF-IRRT and Informed RRT-Connect* generally have faster computation time, Informed RRT-PSO* and Informed RRT with wrapping procedure produce smoother paths. This research provides a better understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of Informed RRT variants, enabling the selection of appropriate algorithms for specific path planning applications.</em></p> 2024-07-19T09:09:35+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Sentimen Pengguna Instagram terhadap Timnas Indonesia U-23 pada Piala AFC menggunakan Algoritma K-Nearest Neighbor (K-NN) dengan SMOTE 2024-07-25T09:25:35+07:00 Surya Pratama Tanzil <p><em>The Indonesia U-23 National Team is Indonesia's national football team with players under the age of 23. The Indonesian public's sentiment towards the Indonesia U-23 National Team increased rapidly during the 2024 AFC Cup period. This trend can be observed on one of the social media platforms, Instagram. Instagram is widely used by the public today. By using Instagram, we can obtain various types of information shared by the public. Within this information, there is data that can be processed into sentiment analysis. Based on this premise, a study was conducted using the K-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN) method to analyze public sentiment towards user comments on Instagram. Data was collected using scraping techniques. After that, the data was cleansed and preprocessed. Then, the data was labeled and extracted using TF-IDF before being classified with K-Nearest Neighbor (k-NN). The dataset obtained from the scraping technique was imbalanced, which can affect the model's accuracy. Therefore, in this study will compared the performance of k-NN with SMOTE and k-NN without SMOTE. The experiments showed that the imbalanced data achieved only 50% accuracy for k = 3. After oversampling using SMOTE, the accuracy increased to 55% for k = 3.</em></p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Integrated Implementation of Computer vision and PID Control for Dynamic Speed Control of Line follower Robot 2024-07-30T09:57:35+07:00 Ardy Seto Priambodo Aris Nasuha Oktaf Agni Dhewa <p><em>This research aims to develop a dynamic speed control system for line follower robots by integrating computer vision technology and PID control. The main challenge in controlling line follower robots is maintaining stability and speed while navigating various types of turns and complex paths. This study proposes the use of computer vision to detect paths more accurately and responsively, and PID control to dynamically adjust the robot's speed based on detected errors. The research methods involve simulating the e-puck robot in a Webots environment, developing algorithms for black line detection and error calculation, and designing the PID control system. The test results show that in Arena 1, the completion time with fixed base speed is 58.08 seconds, while with dynamic base speed it is 50.386 seconds, indicating a 13.3% reduction in completion time. In Arena 2, the completion time with fixed base speed is 71.584 seconds, while with dynamic base speed it is 66.624 seconds, indicating a 6.9% reduction in completion time. Thus, this control system is more effective in keeping the robot on the desired path, reducing deviations and improving path tracking accuracy.</em></p> 2024-07-25T09:29:07+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Develop Smart Skeleton as Rehabilitation Device Using Neurodevelopmental Therapy Methods and Exoskeleton Technology for Cerebral Palsy 2024-07-25T09:35:46+07:00 Anjaswari Resti Arimbi <p><em>Cerebral palsy (CP) is a brain complex disorders that causes motoric disorders in children. Based on World Health Organization, more of 17 million people in the world diagnosed with CP. The prevalence rate of CP in the world reached 2 of 1.000 live birth. While the prevalence rate of CP in Indonesia reached 3 – 4 of 1.000 live birth. The rehabilitation principle of CP there is a basic methode namely Neurodevelopmental Therapy (NDT), which consists of three main principles. The method of this research is research and development (R&amp;D) method. Which is divided into three stages, i.e. 1) literature study; 2) implementation; 3) testing. The test was carried out by measuring the Range of Motion (ROM) created by the servo motor and the current and frequency produced by the electrical stimulant. The results of this research are smart skeleton is able to apply three NDT principles. The smart skeleton manufacturing method is designed using braces, servo motors and electrical stimulants as the main components. The resulting Range of Motion is able to follow normal ROM and is capable of delivering a current of 0 – 101,6mA and a frequency of 0 – 91,7Hz. The conclusion of this research is smart skeleton has succeeded in developing innovative rehabilitation device for CP using NDT methods, servo motor based of arduino mega, and addition of an electrical stimulation.</em></p> 2024-07-25T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Non-Contact Dimension Measurement on Spherical, Cylindrical, and Cube Objects by Triangulation Method Using Line Laser 2024-07-29T10:58:55+07:00 Gianto Gianto <p><em>Dimensional measurements in the manufacturing industry are carried out to ensure that the final products are accurate in accordance with specifications. Generally, the measurement of such dimensions requires the measuring instrument to be in contact with the surface of the measuring object (contact measurement). Contact measurements may cause scratches on the measuring object. One solution to this problem is optical-based non-contact measurement using cameras. Some studies utilize reference objects in the process of converting pixels to units of length. The method requires that the reference object must always be present and appear on the image in every measurement activity. As a size standard, reference objects should not be used too often. Based on this, this study is directed to produce a non-contact measurement system with the use of reference objects only in calibration activities. This method uses the principle of laser scanner-based triangulation with an image processing method to obtain the size of the object based on the pixel coordinates of the laser beam that hits the surface of the object. The proposed system was then tested with measuring objects in the form of a ball with a diameter of 11.15 cm, a cube with a rib length of 2 cm, and a cylinder with a diameter of 8.2 cm and a height of 14 cm (based on the measurement results using a caliper). Measurements on these objects produced an average accuracy of 99.7% and an error value of 0.3%. The system can also be applied to measuring objects in the form of cylinders test weight in the field of metrology.</em></p> 2024-07-29T10:58:55+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##