Ikbal Atmaja Septa Miyosa Panji Firman Rahadi Joko Bintarto Faizal Rini Maulina

Visualita Volume 9 Number 1 publishs in October 2020 and contains ten (10) scholarly articles from several universities in Indonesia, namely:

Thanks to the editorial board for its efforts in applying the use of the General Guidelines for Spelling Indonesian language (Pedoman Umum Ejaan bahasa Indonesia/PUEBI) and to the reviewers who have closely reviewed the manuscript with the aim that the published article meets quality scholarly articles.
In this edition most of the methods used by the Authors is visual communication design. This will motivate other Writers in using these methods. Visualita has not yet received a manuscript which contain studying of visual communication design and relation to Indonesian culture.
In this edition, Visualita presents two (2) articles about the implementation of Community Service (PKM) which in it's discussion containing methods of measuring the success of a PKM program.

Enjoy reading scholarly articles publishs by Visualita. All suggestions, comments, and criticisms can be submitted to jurnalvisualita@email.unikom.ac.id.

Bandung, October 2020



Published: 2020-10-01
