Aplikasi Dukungan Pelajar Pandemi Covid Jakarta

  • Fajar Masya
  • Adi Putro Nugroho


The Corona virus has now infected more than 100 countries in the world. WHO has also declared the Corona virus a pandemic. This means that the Corona virus has spread to almost the entire world, including Indonesia. The virus is spread through human interaction from an infected person to another through droplets from the nose or mouth when the infected person coughs, sneezes and even exhales. This condition made the Indonesian government immediately make a decision to break the chain of the spread of COVID-19 by carrying out activities from home including learning system activities in a network or called online as an effort to prevent transmission of the Corona Virus. From the impact of the Covid pandemic, it has a very bad impact on underprivileged students, because there are still many students who do not have facilities for online learning or e-learning. Therefore, the author intends to provide support for students facing the Covid 19 pandemic in facilitating the rental of gadget and laptop equipment as well as individual and collective internet packages for Citizen Homes (RW) at affordable prices and open acceptance of donations gadget or laptop for people who want to help students through based applications. web with the Codeigniter framework, namely "NRS" which will be described in this report with the title "MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEM FOR PANDEMI COVID STUDENT SUPPORT WEB-BASED" which later students can access the web through the browser and the data. will be stored in the mysql database

How to Cite
F. Masya and A. Nugroho, “Aplikasi Dukungan Pelajar Pandemi Covid Jakarta”, JTK3TI, vol. 6, no. 1, pp. 30-35, Sep. 2021.