Perancangan Sistem Informasi Bisnis Multi Level Marketing Pulsa Elektrik

  • Ibnur Rusi Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak
  • Ferdy Febriyanto Program Studi Sistem Informasi, Universitas Tanjungpura Pontianak
Keywords: Information System, Multi Level Marketing, Voucher


The development of information technology causes companies to be driven to improve their services to consumers, so consumers can easily get information about available products and deal with companies. In an effort to improve its services CV. Abdi Teknologi Mandiri decided to create an on-line system (web-based) for one of its business names namely Pulsa Kita which is engaged in the sale of electric pulses with a Multi-level Marketing system. This information system focuses on the concept of DBMS (Database Management System). This system makes it easy for members to find out the latest information on the company's products, especially the Pulsa Kita program, register new members, make subsidy transactions provided by the company, withdraw subsidies, and view the list of members who are at the level below it. In addition to providing convenience for consumers / members, this system also provides convenience for company employees, especially those designated to handle this system, to be able to process and obtain information from registered member data, make copies of data, change the appearance of the system, and configure subsidy system.


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How to Cite
I. Rusi and F. Febriyanto, “Perancangan Sistem Informasi Bisnis Multi Level Marketing Pulsa Elektrik”, JATI, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 1-14, Nov. 2019.