The Role of Multi-Function Furniture in the Pandemic Era

  • A D Shaleh Department of Interior Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
  • N Asyifa Department of Interior Design, Universits Komputer Indonesia
  • T Abhistha Department of Interior Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Keywords: Multifunctional furniture, Role, Pandemic, Effective, Ergonomics, Anthropometry


Measuring how effective multifunctional furniture is in the industry, knowing the benefits of multi-functional furniture for activities and interior design issue, ensuring that multi-functional furniture has been made based on ergonomic principles, and researching the positive impact of multi-functional furniture on the community. The objective of this study is to identify the role of the multi-functional chair as a new solution in the creation of facilities to support e-learning and remote work. The qualitative method was tested on 100 respondents from the general public with various professional backgrounds. The results of the efficiency of multi-functional furniture based on ergonomic considerations and design principles show that multifunctional furniture has a very high level of efficiency. Most people are satisfied with the availability of multi-functional furniture that can help them in their daily activities. Having multi-functional furniture can simplify daily activities and can be a solution for interior problems.

Author Biographies

A D Shaleh, Department of Interior Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Department of Interior Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

N Asyifa, Department of Interior Design, Universits Komputer Indonesia

Department of Interior Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia

T Abhistha, Department of Interior Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Department of Interior Design, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia


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How to Cite
Shaleh, A., Asyifa, N., & Abhistha, T. (2022). The Role of Multi-Function Furniture in the Pandemic Era. International Journal of Design (INJUDES), 2, 1-6.