Sign Reading of the Meaning of Shape and Color in the Lion Dance

  • Muammar Irsyadi Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)
  • Yully Ambarsih Ekawardhani Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)


One of the foreign artistic and cultural heritages that has become part of Indonesian culture, namely the lunar New Year celebration where there is a tradition of Barongsai dance performances. Barongsai is an animal found in Chinese mythology that resembles a lion and has two forms, the Northern Lion and the Southern Lion. Each form has a different meaning based on its visual elements. This research on the lion dance raises the issue of how to read the visual elements in the lion dance, both in terms of the shape and color of the lion dance. The purpose of this research is to identify the meaning content in the visual elements of the lion dance, namely through shape and color so that the meaning of the lion dance can be known. Qualitative methods are used in this research and in color analysis using the Chairunnisak and Choirul color sign study method in analyzing color meaning. Observation, interviews, and literature were used to obtain data. The results of the analysis of the meaning of shape and color in Barongsai, found the same meaning, namely stability, courage, excellence, strength, leadership, wisdom, justice, knowledge, enthusiasm, longevity, women, charm, welfare, luck, cheerfulness, happiness, health, black and white colors also have the meaning of death. the results of the study are expected to be useful for other researchers in researching Barongsai in the future.


Keywords: Barongsai; Culture; Imlek; Visual; Color; Lunar year


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How to Cite
Irsyadi, M., & Ekawardhani, Y. (2023). Sign Reading of the Meaning of Shape and Color in the Lion Dance. ARTic, 6(1), 559-569.