Participation Practice in Screenplay Making of "Sapa Ndisit Oh" by Marjo Klengkam Sulam

  • Wicaksono Wisnu Legowo Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)
  • Yully Ambarsih Ekawardhani Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)


Sapa Ndisist Oh is the first film made by the people of Kepunduhan Village, Kramat Subdistrict, Tegal Regency, Central Java Province, with filmmaker Marjo Klengkam Sulam as the director. The film received appreciation from the Village Innovation Exchange at the Central Java Provincial Level, organized by the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration. Kepunduhan villagers were involved in the making of the film as crew and actors, collaborative work between professionals and the involvement of residents in the filmmaking process industry is a practice of Participation methods. Residents who are unfamiliar with filmmaking techniques are involved in filmmaking directly. Based on this, the research conducted aims to find out the role and form of participation of the Kepunduhan Village community in the process of making the film Sapa Ndisit Oh. The method used is descriptive. The process carried out by researchers is an interview with the director of the film Sapa Ndisit Oh and observation of the film Sapa Ndisit Oh as the object of research. Data analysis techniques in this study go through several stages, data collection, data reduction, data analysis, and conclusions. The results of the research obtained are the initial idea of filmmaking, the role of the Kepunduhan Village Community, and the form of Kepunduhan Village Community Participation in making the film Sapa Ndisit Oh. Participation practices produce films that are more relevant to the context of local communities, which are the result of discussions and interviews with the community. Participation practices can produce films that are more relevant to the context of the local community. The results of the research can be an additional knowledge for academics and professionals in the field of cinema.

 Keywords: Film; Forms of participation; kepunduhan village; screenwriting


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How to Cite
Legowo, W., & Ekawardhani, Y. (2023). Participation Practice in Screenplay Making of "Sapa Ndisit Oh" by Marjo Klengkam Sulam. ARTic, 6(1), 591-603.