Guide for Author

Manuscript should be submitted in electronic format through Submission submenu in Enter scrol down menu at upper right of ARTic web page. Before the author submit it, author should register in the same menu or here. If you have questions, you can contact the editorial office at

The article should not exceed 8,000 words. The file format is .doc or .docx.; one colum;  the font is Times New Roman (recommended); the indention is 0.5.; the font size is 12; the line spacing is 1.5; the margins: 2 cm from each side.

The abstract (maximum 200 words) and maximum 5 keywords should be attached to the main text.

The text, use IMRAD style (for original or research paper) , is accompanied by a list of references. Author suggests to use reference manager i.e. Mendeley or Zotero.

Author(s) allow to use his/her prefered citation (APA/MLA/IEEE/Chicago/Vancouver/Harvard/ etc), consistently, in the manuscript.

Illustrations/figure (assign a sequential number, jpg format) placed in the text and should be directed and/or described by a sentence.

The article should contain information about the author (authors) in a separate page (identity page), including: name, surname; place of work (study); job title; scientific degree; academic rank; telephone/Whatsapp number; address,and affiliation email.

All manuscript are reviewed. The Editorial Board reserves the right to reject articles that do not meet the scope and/or requirements, or when the articles have received a negative review.

Please download the manuscript template here.