Color Preferences for the Coat of Arms of the Greater Bandung Regional Government

  • Nurcahyo Eko Noviantono Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)
  • Rini Maulina Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)


The Greater Bandung government consists of Bandung City, Bandung Regency, West
Bandung Regency and Cimahi City, each local government has a different regional coat of
arms. Based on government regulations, the regional coat of arms is a cultural symbol for the
community living in a region, which reflects the uniqueness of the region and is different from
other regions. The symbols and colors contained in the regional coat of arms function as an
identity and binder of the socio-cultural unity of the regional community. This study aims to
reveal regional color preferences contained in the emblem of local government, especially in
the Greater Bandung area. The research location was in Bandung City, West Java. Previous
research that has been conducted has not examined the meaning of the regional coat of arms
in the Greater Bandung area based on its visual elements. The research conducted used a
qualitative method to reveal the color preferences contained in the coat of arms of the Greater
Bandung area. The purpose of this research is to obtain color preferences from the coat of
arms of the Greater Bandung regional government and is useful in adding knowledge in the
field of visual communication design. From the research it was found that each color element
contained in the coat of arms of the Greater Bandung regional government has a meaning
related to the vision and mission of the city and regency of each region.


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How to Cite
Noviantono, N., & Maulina, R. (2022). Color Preferences for the Coat of Arms of the Greater Bandung Regional Government. ARTic, 5(1), 459-468.