Pucuk Rebung Motif on Kain Tapis in Pepadun Community, Lampung, Indonesia

  • Muhammad Redintan Justin Prodi Magister Desain Fakultas Pascasarjana Universitas Komputer Indonesia
  • Kankan Kasmana Prodi Magister Desain Fakultas Pascasarjana Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Keywords: Culture, Lampung, Meaning, Motif, Tapis


Each ethnic group in Indonesia has its own traditional fabric. The fabric contains meaning and is functioned in accordance with customary rules. Lampung as a province in Indonesia has traditional fabrics found in the Sabitain (coastal) and Pepadun (inland) communitys. Kain Tapis is a traditional fabric from Pepadun community, has a variety of motifs and functions. The diversity of Kain Tapis motifs is very interesting to be researched especially on pucuk rebung motif as the dominant motif found in Kain Tapis. Data obtained from the literature and interview, the results of the analysis of literature obtained the motif of pucuk rebung have aload of meanings of basic strength and meaning related to its function, so that its use is regulated by custom, used only for women, and should not be used by sutan and penyimbang titles are
also only used by the Abung clan.


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How to Cite
Justin, M., & Kasmana, K. (2020). Pucuk Rebung Motif on Kain Tapis in Pepadun Community, Lampung, Indonesia. ARTic, 3(1), 239-248. https://doi.org/10.34010/artic.v3i1.3561