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Jurnal Agregasi : Aksi Reformasi Government dalam Demokrasi is an academic journal published twice annually (May-November) by Prodi Ilmu Pemerintahan FISIP Universitas Komputer Indonesia. This journal publishes original researches in multi concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms and methodologies on government studies. Jurnal Agregasi: Aksi Reformasi Government dalam Demokrasi, with registered number ISSN 25793047 (Online), ISSN 23375299 (Print) is a peer reviewed journal conducted by a team under KAPSIPI (Kesatuan Asosiasi Program Studi Ilmu Pemerintahan Indonesia), ADIPSI (Asosiasi Dosen Ilmu Pemerintahan Indonesia), PDRI (Persaudaraan Dosen Republik Indonesia), Governmental Studies Program, Faculty of Social and Political Science, Universitas Komputer Indonesia. It is on the national level that covers a lot of common problems or issues related to the Government Studies. The aim of this journal publication is to disseminate the conceptual thoughts or ideas and research result that have been archived in the area of Governmental Studies. Specific topics of interest include (but are not confined to):
Any submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers. Review process employs double-blind review that the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewers.
Jurnal Agregasi: Aksi Reformasi Government dalam Demokrasi achieved SINTA 3 Accreditation issued by Direktorat Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan, Kementerien Riset, Teknologi dan Pendidikan Tinggi.
Adibowo R., Sari F., Pahlevi M., Rachim R.
Susu M., Tokan F., Lamawuran Y.
Nurhayati N., Kusuma H., Rahman A.
Gunawan M., Sutjiatmi S., Habibullah A.
Alamsyah A., Akim A., Yulianti D.
Hanandy R., Sakapurnama E.
Chumairoh D., Widiyarta A.
Subekti D., Hanif A.
Hani U., Yuniningsih T., Suwitri S.
Redha M.,. R., Hilman Y.
Suherman E., Syafei M Narimawati U.
Hutasoit I., Madjid U., Ripa’i A., Sri Rejeki W.
Arintyas A., P., R., D., A., Ikhwan H., Darwin M.
Puspaningtyas A., Ismail H.
Silvia E., Rizaldy D.
Widiyaningrum W., Alifah F.
Andriani Y., Suwitri S., Yuniningsih T.
Lamawuran Y., Tokan F., Ratumakin P.
Setyawan I., Rahmawati A.
Nurdiansyah D., Narimawati U., Syafei M
Suwarlan E., Suparman A., Taufik O.
Herdiana D.
Rafinzar R., Khairunnas K.
Nurhayati N., Rahman A.
Junaidi J., Ghoffar R., Mirani D., Ermanovida E.
Fernanda F., Andika T.
Habibullah A., Ferawati D.
Adi F., Solihin O.
Wicaksono Y., Nurjaya I Susilo E.
Sinaga W., Sumaryadi I Simangunsong F., Sinurat M.
Gunasanti U., Fitrios R., L A., A., Zakya I.
Setia B., Hurriyati R., Dirgantari P., Pangestu E.
Kuswandi A., Nuraini S., Al Rasyid M. H., Hartono R.
Tyas H., Winarti S., Raharjo T., Puspitasari C.
Luckyardi S., Hurriyati R., Dirgantari P.
Haridison A., Permana D.
Saputra W., Farhan E.
Khoirurrosyidin K., Nasution R., Triono B., Hilman Y.
Fathony R., Muradi M., Sagita N.
Suwarlan E., Suparman A., Vestikowati E., Endah K.
Hanum A., Saiman S., Sihidi I.
Kusnan K., Asmorowati S., Setijaningrum E.
Rahmasari A., Yulyana E., Febriantin K.
Puspitawati L., Effendy M.
Anggadini S., Rohmawati T., Damayanti S., Bramasto A.
Surya I., Budiman B., Syarifuddin T., Nurmiyati N.
Muzwardi A., Muhammad A., Awangga R., Rizaldi A.
Nugroho H., S., Rahmawati A.
Hestiantini A., Pribadi U.
Ilmih S., Nurmandi A., Alhamdi R.
Herdiansyah D., Kurniati P.
Indah D., Purwanto P.
Angrelia C., Prihasta R., Mubarok A., Utami W.
Lesmana D., Yunas A., Permana N., Utami W.
Suryanto S.
Salehun L., Sulaiman Y.
Khaerunnisa L., Fajarwati A.
Suwarlan E., Suwaryo U., Mulyawan R.
Suryani N., Sugiharto B., Anggraeni D.
Ramadhan R., Cristian A., Mubaroq A., Fangohoi P., B Supriadi R.
MARTA A., Agustino L.
Hidayat F., Miftahuddin F., Herdiansyah D., Sholihin I., Lahmini R.
Sri Nugroho H.
Rengganis I., Atmojo M.
Wibiksana I., Lestary D., Azmi A., Nugroho D., Insan H.
Supriyadi H.
Karniawati N.
Redjo S., Widanarto A., Muradi M., Myrna R.
Tanjung L., Mutiarin D., Purnomo E.
Redjo S., As'ari H.
Sumartias S., Susanti S.
Triono T.
Sjoraida D., Asmawi A., Anwar R.
Atmojo M., Zakiyah U., Fridayani H.
Kadarisman A., Gemiharto I.
HR F., Harakan A.
Waworundeng W., Natsir N., Mariana D., Redjo S.
Redjo S.
Sagita N.
Gemiharto I.
Subagyo A.
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©All rights reserved 2019. Prodi Ilmu Pemerintahan FISIP Unikom: Jurnal Agregasi, ISSN: 2579-3047 (online); 2337-5299 (print).