Volume 12 No. 2 YEAR 2024 (SUBMISSION OPEN)

Publish your Research Work in Jurnal Agregasi: Aksi Reformasi Government dalam Demokrasi. Jurnal Agregasi: Aksi Reformasi Government dalam Demokrasi is a sixmonthly, an international, refereed journal published with the aim to provide an online publishing platform for the academia, researchers, and students to publish their original works.  Jurnal Agregasi: Aksi Reformasi Government dalam Demokrasi focuses on publishing scholarly articles from the areas of Good Governance; Decentralization and Regional Autonomy; Public Policy; Public Management and Governance; e-Government and Democracy. Jurnal Agregasi: Aksi Reformasi Government dalam Demokrasi, research seeks original manuscripts that identify, extend, unify, test or apply scientific and multi-disciplinary knowledge concerned to the social and politic field.

For Online manuscript Submission: - https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/agregasi/user/register




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