
The research aimed to analyze Jack characterization in the film Wonder (2017). Wonder is a 2017 American family drama film directed by Stephen Chbosky and produced by Michael Beugg, and Clark, David Hoberman and Todd Lieberman. Written by Jack Thorne, Steve Conrad and Stephen Chbosky based on the novel Wonder by R.J. Palacio. The film tells the story of a boy with a physical disability named August Pullman who encounters bullying at school. Jack is one of the characters who wants to be friends with August Pullman. The data identified is analyzed according to intrinsic approach by Edgar V. Roberts cited by Rondonuwu (13) in Writing analysis of the main character in the film Barbie of swan lake. This research shows that Jack's character has Caring, Loyal, Courageous and Kind characters in Wonder (2017).

 Keywords: Jack, Wonder (2017), Film, Characterization, Character