
Agro Eduwisata Organik Mulyaharja is an educational tourist attraction that operates in 2020.  In addition to educational tourism at Agro Eduwisata Organik Mulyaharja also has other types of tourism, namely trekking tours, art tours, culinary tours and there are many instagramable objects to self-photograph.  Iidentified the problem obtained in this study, namely the number of visitors who did not match the visit target set by the manager of Agro Eduwisata Organik Mulyaharja, which was 4,000 visitors every month. This study was conducted to find out whether there is an influence of Electronic Word Of Mouth through Instagram on the delivery of tourists visiting at Agro Eduwisata Organik Mulyaharja. The Metode used is quantitative with the population, namely tourists who have visited at Agro Eduwisata Organik Mulyaharja. The data were obtained by distributing questionnaires to 100 respondents using non-probability sampling techniques using purposive sampling.  Analyzes data using 7 instrument trials, namely validity test, reliability test, normality test, simple linear regression test, hypothesis test, correlation test and determination test. After going through the stages of collecting, processing and analyzing data basedon the results of the study, it was concluded that the electronic word of mouth has a significant effect with a positive direction on decisions.  visiting based on hypothesis testing tcount>ttable (11,531 >1,980), the influence of electronic word of mouth on visiting   decisions was 57.6% with the result of the coefficient level the correlation of the two variables is strong.  So, electronic word of mouth through Instagram can be used as one of the promotional activities that can be done by the manager of Agro Eduwisata Organik Mulyaharja with the aim of meet the predetermined tourist visit target of 4,000 visitors every month.

Key Words :  Agro Eduwisata Organik Mulyaharja, Electronic Word Of Mouth, Visiting Decisions