
Community is a social unit that is structured in the form of groups with individuals who have common interests, both functional and territorial. The online community is an alternative for the music community to be able to continue carrying out activities without losing its existence in the midst of a pandemic situation. One of them is the Epix Community, an online spiritual music community that emerged during a pandemic where all activities are carried out online by utilizing technology. However, in its dynamics the Epix Community finds relationship problems in its dynamics which rely on the teachings of "love". The purpose of this study is to find out the problems that arise from relationships that rely on 'love' in the Spiritual Music Online Community 'Epix'. This study uses the Participatory Action Research (PAR) method. Based on the research results, it can be seen that the value of love applied by the Epix Community is like a double-edged sword for community activities and development. Because the community members are not aware of it, the value of love that is applied creates problems or obstacles in dynamics or in developing the community itself. The form of the problem is mutual understanding and forgiving each other in the absence of responsibility, the willingness to back up members who do not carry out their responsibilities, but do not look for the root of the problem and try to find solutions outside of "mutual understanding and forgiveness" so that it does not happen in the future. . This can foster the egocentric nature of its members and reduce a sense of belonging to the community, so that it is dangerous for the sustainability of the community in the future.

Key Words : Epix Community, Love, Online Community, Relationship, Spiritual