
To support lectures, in accordance with the university's vision and mission, one of the learning methods is practicum. Practicum weighting is adjusted to the learning outcomes of graduates (CPL). STMIK AMIKOM SURAKARTA implements approximately 60% Practicum. With this percentage causing a busy practicum laboratory schedule, STMIK AMIKOM SURAKARTA has a lab assistant. Meanwhile, UPT requires a laboratory coordinator to be responsible for the operation of the practical laboratory. Each laboratory requires a Coordinator with special competence in managing it. Profile matching is a method that can be used as a reference. The profile matching method is used to determine the competency level of all recruited assistants according to the competency of each laboratory. From the results of calculating course IP scores, using the Profile matching method, it can be seen that the highest opportunity for a practicum assistant to become a laboratory coordinator in accordance with their competency. The application of the Profile matching method is used in decision making. From the results of weighting and ranking for the programming lab, a profile of the lab assistant is obtained in the name of octa selsa has the potential to become a programming lab coordinator.

Key Words: asisstants, competencies,laboratory,profil matching, rangkings