
A companies that sell goods must make transactions with other parties. Both to consumers and suppliers. All transactions—both purchases from suppliers and sales from consumers—must be computerized. This is done to ensure the buying and selling process runs smoothly. The purpose of this research is to develop an information system that can improve data management in business processes, especially in terms of reporting, buying and selling processes. This research uses a descriptive method, with the method using the object-oriented method approach and the development method using the waterfall method. The data collection method uses interview techniques and direct field observations for the primary data. As for the secondary data obtained from existing documents in the company. The results of this study are, with this information system it facilitates the process of sales and purchase transactions in this company. The existence of a database makes it easier for owners to store information about buying and selling transactions and making reports easier.

Key Words: information system, sales and purchase, web-based