Jurnal Ilmu Keuangan dan Perbankan (JIKA) E-ISSN: 2655-9234 / P-ISSN: 2089-2845 is an academic journal published two times annually (December - June) by the Program of Finance and Banking (Program Studi Keuangan dan Perbankan, Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis) Universitas Komputer Indonesia. This journal publishes original research on multi concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms, and methodologies in Finance, Banking, and Financial Institutions. Specific topics of interest include (but are not confined to):
- Finance
- Banking Management
- Management Accounting
- Business Economics
- Cooperative Management
- Insurance Management
- Other Financial Institutions Management
- Financial Technology
Any submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers. The review process employs a double-blind review in which the reviewer does not know the author's identity, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewers. Jurnal Ilmu Keuangan dan Perbankan (JIKA) indexed by DOAJ, Dimension, Google Scholar, Garuda, BASE, Crossref, Indonesia One Search. Jurnal Ilmu Keuangan dan Perbankan (JIKA) has been accredited with the level of Sinta 4 and has established collaboration with Ikatan Sarjana Ekonomi Indonesia (ISEI).