For Authors
Publication Ethics
Author(s)’ Publication Ethics
The following Publication Ethics Principles are strictly adhered to maintain the quality and integrity of INJITECH. INJITECH practices a double-blind peer-review process and maximizes efforts to prevent conflicts of interest between authors, editors, and reviewers. This journal uses plagiarism detection software to filter submitted manuscripts and reserves the right to reject any manuscript with a high similarity score. INJITECH ensures that the confidentiality of all information related to the submitted manuscript is maintained. Editors fairly evaluate the content of the submitted manuscripts regardless of their views on the author's race, gender, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, ethnic origin, nationality, or political philosophy. Editors are responsible for journal content and must manage peer reviews fairly and wisely, based on applicable policies and procedures to maintain their quality and integrity. Editors must ensure that each manuscript is initially evaluated by the editor for authenticity.
Authors who are interested in submitting their manuscripts are required to submit their original work and avoid data falsification and forgery. Authors must ensure that any plagiarism, fabrication, or forgery that is detected will lead to outright rejection. Manuscripts submitted must not be in conjunction with other journals and the use of all works from other sources must be acknowledged with appropriate citations and references. This is to prevent double or excessive work. Any fundamental and significant errors found in the published work must be immediately communicated to the journal editor to retract or correct the manuscript. Reviewers must keep all information in the manuscript confidential and not disclose information other than that of the respective authors, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisors, and publishers, as appropriate. Manuscripts should be reviewed objectively without including any personal biases they might have when reviewing a manuscript. The author's criticism is inappropriate. Referees must express their views clearly with supporting arguments.
To submit the article, author (s) must submit an ethic statement. The ethic statement can be downloaded in here. In short, Author(s)’ Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement including the following statement:
To submit an article, the author must submit a ethics statement. Ethics statements can be downloaded here. In short, Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement includes the following statement:
Author(s)’ Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement
The undersigned
1) Name:________________________________________
Affiliation: ______________________________________
2) Name: ______________________________________
Affiliation: _____________________________________
3) Name:______________________________________
Affiliation: _____________________________________
4) Name: ______________________________________
Affiliation: _______________________________________
hereby declare that I/we:
1) accept and comply with IJOST’s publication ethics and publication malpractice statement.
2) the manuscript entitled:
I/we sent to IJOST for its .................... edition is my/our original work which is free from plagiarism and has not been published before either in printed or online and is not being sent to/reviewed by other publishers.
3) agree with the final version of the manuscript sent by IJOST’s editors as the final proof.
Signed: ________________________________________ Date ______________
Signed: ________________________________________ Date ______________
Signed: ________________________________________ Date ______________
Signed: ________________________________________ Date ______________
Plagiarism Screening
Prior to the review process, all manuscripts will be checked using "Turnitin" software so the manuscript is free from plagiarism practice. If there is any indication of plagiarism, the manuscript will instantly be rejected.