
International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Technopreneur (INJETECH)


The International Journal of Entrepreneurship & Technopreneur (INJETECH) (e-ISSN 2807-7202(p-ISSN 2810-0646) is an open-access and peer-reviewed international journal managed by Universitas Komputer Indonesia. INJETECH is an annual journal published since 2021. INJISTECH publishes research on entrepreneurship such as comparative, international, and cross-cultural studies as well as small and medium enterprises.

This journal focuses on emerging research topics in developing countries such as entrepreneurship, family business, and social entrepreneurship. INJETECH also highlights other areas of development such as electronic entrepreneurship, home-based and part-time activities, indigenous and minority enterprises, sustainability, informal and illegal activities, training, and education. Focus and scope for INJETECH can be seen detailed in here.