Analysis of Interior Elements on the Atmosphere of Interior Space in Cikondang Traditional House

  • Mutiara Silmi Muzaki Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)
  • Tiara Isfiaty Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)


This research aims to analyze the application of interior elements as an aspect of shaping the atmosphere or atmosphere of the interior space in the Cikondang traditional house so that it can be a reference for contemporary concept houses to get the same atmosphere or atmosphere of space. Cikondang traditional house is located in Cikondang traditional village, Lamajang Village, Pangalengan District, Bandung Regency, West Java. The Cikondang traditional house is made by following the rules of the applicable customs, as well as determining the interior elements. One example is that the building materials of the house use natural materials that grow in the prohibited forest and can only be used after passing a series of rituals. The method used in this research is descriptive analysis with data acquisition through observation and literature study. This research describes the application of interior elements such as lines, shapes, patterns, colors, textures (materials) and lighting which are factors that form the atmosphere of the space in the house. The results of this study are the application of interior elements such as lines, shapes, patterns, colors, textures (materials) and lighting in the space creating a spatial atmosphere that gives the impression of simplicity, safety, comfort, nature, and warmth resulting from the application of interior elements to interior elements namely floors, walls, and ceilings in Cikondang traditional houses.

 Keywords: Interior Elements, Room Atmosphere, Cikondang Traditional House


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How to Cite
Muzaki, M., & Isfiaty, T. (2023). Analysis of Interior Elements on the Atmosphere of Interior Space in Cikondang Traditional House. ARTic, 5(2), 513-526.