Analysis of Environmental Graphic Design in the Interior of the Pondok Indah Hospital Pediatric Clinic

  • Malik Abdul Aziz Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)
  • Muhammad Syahril Iskandar Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)


Environmental Graphic Design (EGD) is one of the graphic design objects in an area. Its purpose is to provide information about the placement and identity of a place. EGD is usually used as a complement to interiors and architects. But that does not mean that EGD is underestimated, one of which is in the hospital area.  Pondok Indah Group Hospital (RSPI) is a private hospital that manages three hospitals in Indonesia, one of which is RSPI-Puri. The main problem is the different EGDs of each branch. This makes the difference in the identity of the EGD from each RSPI, each hospital branch is unique and different in processing the EGD and one of the references for other branch hospitals is RSPI - Puri which is quite good, especially in the EGD of the pediatric clinic area. Therefore, research was conducted at RSPI - Puri on the interior area of the pediatric clinic. This research uses a descriptive method to be able to describe and classify the EGD and images that exist in the pediatric clinic area (Pediatric) RSPI-Puri. The purpose of this research is to describe the EGD and mural images that exist in the pediatric clinic at RSPI-Puri in terms of visual elements and functions. The benefit of this research is to add to the scientific treasure of EGD in hospitals. The result of the research is that there is a theme of wildlife and forest in the signage mural and sign system visualized in a continuous children's clinic.

Keywords: EGD, Child Drawing, Mural, Hospital


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How to Cite
Aziz, M., & Iskandar, M. (2023). Analysis of Environmental Graphic Design in the Interior of the Pondok Indah Hospital Pediatric Clinic. ARTic, 5(2), 499-511.