Symbolic Content of Exterior and Interior Al-A'zhom Grand Mosque Tangerang

  • Arini Mustika Ajie Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)
  • Ahadiat Joedawinata Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)


Al-A'zhom Grand Mosque is one of the historical and iconic mosques in Tangerang City. Its architecture is unique and full of important symbols for Muslims, because these symbols contain meanings that can provide a deeper understanding of Islam, as well as the values it contains. This makes it an interesting object of study in the field of interior design. This study aims to reveal the meaning in the symbols contained in the exterior and interior of the Al-A'zhom Grand Mosque, especially in the architectural elements found on the exterior and interior such as on the exterior (mosque shape, dome, cantilever, minaret) and interior (dome, calligraphy). The research method used in this study is descriptive qualitative method. Data collection uses literature study, observation and interviews. The results of the study show that the symbols on the exterior and interior elements mean the unity of Muslims in divinity, peace, strength, defense, beauty, perfection and piety of Muslims towards the oneness and majesty of God. It is hoped that this research can be a scientific contribution regarding the symbolic meaning of the Al-A'zhom Grand Mosque architecture, especially in the field of interior design.

 Keywords: Meaning; Grand Mosque Al-A’zhom; Symbolic; Tangerang


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How to Cite
Ajie, A., & Joedawinata, A. (2023). Symbolic Content of Exterior and Interior Al-A’zhom Grand Mosque Tangerang. ARTic, 6(1), 571-579.