The Evolution of Tegal's Wayang Cepak: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Transformations

  • Lutfi Firmansyah Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)
  • Taufan Hidayatullah Universitas Komputer Indonesia (UNIKOM)


Wayang Cepak Tegal is a traditional performing art that has strong historical roots in Tegal City, Central Java, Indonesia. Over time, Wayang Cepak Tegal has undergone significant changes.   Wayang Cepak Tegal experienced changes in form due to the influence of changes in human culture caused by technological advances that encourage contemporary transformation in the Tegal Cepak puppet show, these changes can be seen especially in terms of changes in characters, dimensions of form and duration of the show as well as the use of technology in the Tegal Cepak puppet show. Based on this, the research was conducted to examine the changes in Tegal Cepak puppetry from a historical perspective and see the contemporary transformation that occurred in the Tegal Cepak puppetry performance art, limited to changes in characterization, dimensions of form and duration of the Tegal Cepak puppetry performance. The research methods used included literature study, observation and interviews with the puppeteers of Wayang Cepak Tegal. The results of the study found that Tegal Cepak puppet experienced changes in characterization, shape dimensions, especially in proportion, the size changed from large to smaller and the duration of the performance was shorter. It is hoped that the results of this study can provide scientific contributions about changes in Tegal Cepak puppet, can also be a reference for academics and practitioners, and as a preservation effort through documentation of Tegal Cepak puppet as an important part of the cultural heritage of Tegal City in particular and Indonesia in general.

 Keywords: Evolution, Traditional Performing Arts, Contemporary Transformation, Wayang Cepak Tegal


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How to Cite
Firmansyah, L., & Hidayatullah, T. (2023). The Evolution of Tegal’s Wayang Cepak: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Transformations. ARTic, 6(1), 549-558.