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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
© Asti Khoerunisa, S Supriyati, Tyas Sylva Fitrian Natansya, Rika Sovyatun Nissa, Kevin Fernaldy, Ramadhan Syaeful Bahri, 2023
Asti Khoerunisa
Universitas Komputer Indonesia, 40132, Bandung, Indonesia
S Supriyati
Universitas Komputer Indonesia, 40132, Bandung, Indonesia
Tyas Sylva Fitrian Natansya
Universitas Komputer Indonesia, 40132, Bandung, Indonesia
Rika Sovyatun Nissa
Universitas Komputer Indonesia, 40132, Bandung, Indonesia
Kevin Fernaldy
Universitas Komputer Indonesia, 40132, Bandung, Indonesia
Ramadhan Syaeful Bahri
Universitas Komputer Indonesia, 40132, Bandung, Indonesia
How to Cite
Design of Web-Based Digital Marketing Application Using CodeIgniter to Increase Seller Turnover in Ciroyom Market
- Asti Khoerunisa ,
- S Supriyati ,
- Tyas Sylva Fitrian Natansya ,
- Rika Sovyatun Nissa ,
- Kevin Fernaldy ,
- Ramadhan Syaeful Bahri
Vol 8 No 1 (2023): @is The Best : Accounting Information Systems and Information Technology Business Enterprise
Expired goods are the condition of a product that is no longer suitable for consumption or use because it has a high risk of causing poisoning for people who consume it or use it. For sellers, especially in traditional markets, there is no way or system to be able to inform goods that are approaching expiration and are still fit for sale, so it can result in goods that are approaching expiration simply being thrown away. The purpose of this study is to develop a digital marketing application design for frozen preparations that are almost expiring to increase trader turnover in the Ciroyom market. The research method used is experimental and descriptive research methods. The system development methodology used is Waterfall. The results of this study explain that digital marketing applications of near-expired frozen processed products in the Ciroyom market have been analyzed by existing sales procedures, which we then developed to overcome the emerging drawbacks of near-expired product sales. This digital marketing application can overcome some of the problems with selling frozen preparations that are about to expire. This digital marketing application can sell merchandise that is almost expired online so consumers can see what items are available.