
SMK Bina Satria is one of the schools located in the city of Medan which is tasked with educating the nation's children to have better quality human resources. The laboratory scheduling system is still done conventionally. The schedule for using the laboratory is recorded in a book and then socialized to each teacher concerned. By doing this method, there are still some problems that occur, among others, teachers need a lot of time and energy in obtaining information about the laboratory schedule because they have to come directly to the school. In addition, the admin also has difficulty in conveying laboratory schedule information to the teachers because the admin has to socialize with the teachers one by one. The author conducted this research to design and build an android-based laboratory scheduling application at SMK Bina Satria. With this application, it is hoped that this application can help the SMK Bina Satria admin in processing laboratory schedules and assisting SMK Bina Satria teachers in obtaining laboratory schedule information easily and quickly via an Android smartphone. This application is built using Kodular application and Airtable database.

Keywords - Application, Android, Laboratory, Scheduling, SMK Bina Satria