Journal History

>> Starting from volume 13 number 1 in 2024, Komputika has simplified our cover by changing the list of article titles with the Komputika logo.

>> We applied for reaccreditation on November 21, 2023, and passed the desk evaluation on December 27, 2023. Currently, the assessment process is still ongoing.

>> In 2020, Komputika was reaccredited by Sinta 3 through a Decree by the Directorate General of Strengthening Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia Number: 148 / M / KPT / 2020 dated August 03, 2020, starting from Volume 8 Number 2 of 2019 to Volume 13 Number 1 of 2024.

>> In 2019, Komputika was accredited by Sinta 3 through a Decree by the Directorate General of Strengthening Research and Development of the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education Republic of Indonesia Number: 28 / E / KPT / 2019 dated September 26, 2019, starting from Volume 7 Number 1 of 2018 to Volume 11 No 2 of 2022.

>> Since 2018, Komputika has online journal version with ISSN: 2655-3198 (online).

>> The first time Komputika: Journal of Computer Systems (Unikom Komputika Computer Systems Journal) was published in 2012 with ISSN: 2252-9039 (print) by the Department of Computer Systems, Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science, Indonesian Computer University, Bandung. Komputika is published twice a year (April and October).