Aplikasi Manajemen Kinerja Pegawai Dengan Metode Sosiometri pada PT. Siba Prima Utama Feed Mill

  • Danis Pramaishella Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta
  • Maryam Maryam
Keywords: aplikasi sosiometri, evaluasi, manajemen kinerja, penilaian pegawai


Employee performance appraisal is one of the main processes in managing human resources in a company. PT. Siba Prima Utama Feed Mill evaluates employee performance to assist leaders in making decisions that affect increasing work productivity. Currently, the assessment process is done manually. It causes problems of subjectivity, inaccuracy, and lack of transparency. Employee performance appraisal application is designed to facilitate a computerized appraisal process. The assessment method includes performance results-based evaluation that can define clear and measurable performance goals and involves the sociometric method to map social interactions between employees. This helps direct employee focus and ensures assessment objectives are met. The application is equipped with practical feedback features through a transparent environment. Application development is built using the waterfall method and through black-box testing and SUS (System Usability Scale). The black box test results were declared valid. The SUS test yielded 78 points that were categorized in the excellent standard, which means the application was feasible properly. The employee performance application system is a solution to improve the performance appraisal process more efficiently and objectively.


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How to Cite
D. Pramaishella and M. Maryam, “Aplikasi Manajemen Kinerja Pegawai Dengan Metode Sosiometri pada PT. Siba Prima Utama Feed Mill”, JAMIKA, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 94-107, Oct. 2023.