Jurnal Manajemen Informatika (JAMIKA)
ISSN (Print): 2088-4125
ISSN (Online): 2655-6960
Publication Ethics Statement
Publication Ethics Statement
Please read the Publication Ethics Statement carefully before submitting the article.
1. The script that I (we) sent to the editor of JAMIKA is the original result of my work (us) and has never been published elsewhere.
2. The script that I (we) sent to the editor of JAMIKA is the original result of my work (us) and has never been published elsewhere.
3. Manuscripts do not contain statements that violate the law, slander, or other and do not contain content that violates the personal rights or property rights of any other person or entity.
4. All reference sources have been written in full in the text
5. If the manuscript is drawn up together with other authors and this statement is not signed by all authors, I (the signatory) have been authorized as a representative to sign this ethical statement.
If you agree with that statement, fill in the check list statement in submission.