Penerapan Sistem Informasi Administrasi Perpustakaan Menggunakan Model Desain User Experience
The library at SMP N 5 Bandarlampung is a junior high school library that has library management staff and the number of book collections according to library standards and has adequate library facilities and infrastructure. Students and students are required to become members of the school library to support the learning process. However, the process of borrowing and returning books currently carried out is still conventional, that is, all library administration data collection in borrowing and returning books is still written in the book, and when looking for the required data, you must open the book page. Application of library administration information systems using this user experience design, users can better understand and easily use applications that are made to maximize the performance of library staff, school principals, and students in managing library administration. The design of the library administration information system using the user experience design at SMP Negeri 5 Bandarlampung using the user-centered design method has 5 stages namely, Empethized, Define Problem Statements, Indentation, and Prototype in accordance with the needs of users in the library administration information system based on the user experience design undertaken. The results of testing the criteria for the DeLone and McLean Model criteria for the success of the information system were 84.31% with the criteria being Very Good.
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