Perencanaan E-Procurement dalam Pengadaan Material Pesawat

  • Dian Permata Sari Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
Keywords: e-procurement, booking for aircraft materials


With frequent delays in booking aircraft materials carried out in several countries, including: Germany, the United States and France which still use E-Mail in their orders. So the researcher built an E-procurement information system in saturating orders made like a simple tender system. The methodology used in building this E-Procurement information system uses the waterfall methodology as the engineering system stage, namely: Analysis, Designing, cooding, testing and implementation of the system. Whereas the model or tool used in this analytical designer is using UML (Unified Model Language), so the expectation of making this E-Procurement information system is to assist the procurement of aircraft materials in meeting the needs of the procurement of materials in warehouses with good material quality cheap and non-miss communication on orders.


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How to Cite
D. Sari, “Perencanaan E-Procurement dalam Pengadaan Material Pesawat”, JAMIKA, vol. 9, no. 1, pp. 29-38, May 2019.