Potential Security Issues in Implementing IaaS and PaaS Cloud Service Models
As the digital world evolves, so does potential problem
that computer users encounter. Cybersecurity threats
are still evolving and expanding. Unfortunately, most
computer users do not understand this properly. The
cloud models offered by various public cloud providers
remain concentrated on infrastructure resources,
application platforms, and software services despite the
recent increase in the popularity of cloud computing.
The first step in this study will be a literature review to
get an understanding of accessible cloud service
models. The papers chosen for the study spans 2010 to
2020. All data was gathered from pertinent and related
literature on cyber security and cloud computing. The
following tenets serve as the foundation for this
architecture. First, in the described architecture, the
perimeter scanner serves as the first entry point for
external cyberattacks. Firewall and other security layers
become next barriers if the attack can get past first layer.
On the other side, the machine learning system will
detect every successful assault that gets past the security
layers. As a result, there are numerous viewpoints and
categorization systems for diverse attacks. It is possible
to advance cyber security research in the context of
cloud technology by merging the results of existing
studies and developing international guiding
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