BTS Application: Online Thesis Consultation

  • Bella Hardiyana School of Information Science Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Japan
Keywords: Technology, Computer Science, Application, Assignment, Thesis, Information System


The learning process at universities is hindered by the
Covid-19 pandemic, so activities that should be carried
out face-to-face must be done online. One of the
activities that are hampered is thesis consultation.
Thesis consultation should be done directly, face to face,
and verified on the attendance card, and it cannot be
carried out as usual. The consultation can only be done
online by sending files to the supervisor and then
reviewing the results of the work. However, by doing it
online, it will not be easy to fill out the attendance card
that must be signed in person. The signing process
becomes online, by sending the digital version of
attendance card to the supervisor, then be signed by the
supervisor and sent again to the student. The purpose
of this research is to design a thesis consultation
information system in which everything is centralized
and documented in one platform. This research used
qualitative descriptive analysis method and system
development method using prototype. The results
showed that the system design that was built could help
become a medium for exchanging files between
supervisors and students. The output of this system will
be documented. The history of each counsel carried out
will be recorded so that the attendance card will be
filled automatically


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How to Cite
B. Hardiyana, “BTS Application: Online Thesis Consultation”, INJIISCOM, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 73-82, Apr. 2022.