Image Mosaicking Using Low-Distance High-Resolution Images Captured by an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Regional surveys will have a high demand for coverage.
To adequately cover a large area while retaining high
resolution, mosaics of the area from a variety of scenes
can be created. This paper describes a mosaicking
procedure that consists of a series of processing steps
used to combine multiple aerial images. These images
were taken from CropCam unmanned aerial platform
flight missions over the desired area to quickly map a
large geographical region. The results of periodic
processing can be compared and analyzed to monitor a
large area for future research or during an emergency
situation in the covered area. Digital imagery captured
from the air has proven to be a valuable resource for
studying land cover and land use. For this study,
airborne digital camera images were chosen because
they provide data with a higher spatial resolution for
trying to map a small research area. On board the UAV
autopilot, images were captured from an elevation of
320 meters using a standard digital camera. When
compared to other airborne studies, this technique was
less expensive and more cost effective. According to this
study, onboard a UAV autopilot, a digital camera serves
as a sensor, which can be helpful in planning and
developing a limited coverage area after mosaicking
techniques and geoscience applications. Elsevier.
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