Perancangan Kartu Permainan Kesenian Ondel-Ondel

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Daniel Saarani
Taufan Hidayatullah


The art of Betawi culture has a variety of arts, one of which is Ondel-Ondel art without speech in the city area of Jakarta. Ondel-Ondel's artistry is subjected to alterations in Ondel-Ondel, which in the phenomenon of Ondel-Ondel The emergence of other functions used as a pengamen. The determination of this topic aims to emphasize the art information Ondel-Ondel through the media game card games that include the history, functions and essences based on interviews, surveys, questionnaires and literary sources and preserve and maintain the existence of Ondel-Ondel in modern times that not only regarded as a display, but to remain active in arts and performances. In the design of the art topic of Ondel-Ondel which is found that some of the people of Jakarta just know the form of Ondel-Ondel but do not know the function, meaning and history, then in the government and community or craftsmen must work together to maintain the existence of Ondel-Ondel arts and performances. 

Article Details

How to Cite
Saarani, D., & Hidayatullah, T. (2021). Perancangan Kartu Permainan Kesenian Ondel-Ondel. DIVAGATRA - Jurnal Penelitian Mahasiswa Desain, 1(2), 155-168.
Author Biographies

Daniel Saarani, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Visual Communication Design

Taufan Hidayatullah, Universitas Komputer Indonesia

Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Desain UNIKOM


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