Waca Cipta Ruang https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang <table style="height: 541px;" width="633"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="justify" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width: 30px;">&nbsp;</td> <td align="justify" valign="top"> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img src="/public/site/images/febrymaharlika/COVERVOL9NO1.jpg" width="349" height="242" align="&quot;middle"></p> <p>Waca Cipta Ruang is a scientific journal published by the&nbsp; Interior Design Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia in May and November each year. This journal publishes the results of research and studies on Interior Design including theoretical studies, arts and cultural studies, and design studies in the context of space, which are focused on the theme of space and culture.</p> <p>Waca Cipta Ruang journal collaborates with HDII Jawa Barat (Indonesian Interior Designers Association) professional association and the Design and Art Journal: NARADA in order to improve the quality of manuscripts published in our journal.</p> <p>Before registering a manuscript, please fill out the registration form first via the link:&nbsp; <a href="https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfYk5I0XZqKtGce2CYl1I6oYs1cncqPdGKlMWFT1wNUmF0Krw/viewform" target="_blank" rel="noopener">https://forms.gle/Kuyzqdq7Bbjmy16Y9 </a>with The manuscript received is a manuscript that meets the conditions made by the journal editorial team, and will be reviewed by reviewers through a blind review process, where the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and vice versa. The Letter of Acceptance (LOA) will only be issued after the manuscript has passed the specified stages, namely: check turnitin and review from the reviewer, so that it meets the standards of the space copyright journal.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> en-US febry.maharlika@email.unikom.ac.id (Febry Maharlika) donnyreza@email.unikom.ac.id (Donny Reza) Thu, 30 Nov 2023 09:32:08 +0700 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Akulturasi Kolonial dan Sunda pada Rumah K.A.R Bosscha https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/10919 <p>This study aims to determine the acculturation of Sundanese and colonial culture taken from the results of documentation and analysis of concepts applied to the K.A.R Bosscha House. Rumah K.A.R Bosscha is a cultural heritage site in the Bandung Regency area, precisely located in Pangalengan District, in the Malabar tea plantation area. The condition of K.A.R Bosscha's house is currently functioning as a villa and museum that can be visited by the public. Until now, the building has not been researched in terms of architecture or interior. Therefore, research is needed with research limitations starting from the concept of architecture in general, the concept of interior elements (floors, walls, and ceilings), the concept of space organization, the concept of furniture, the concept of lighting, to the concept of air. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative methods by conducting field surveys at the location of Rumah K.A.R Bosscha, conducting interviews with the person in charge and coordinator of the agrotourism unit PTPN VIII Malabar, and references from journals and books as literature studies. The results of the analysis show that K.A.R Bosscha House has the application of Sundanese and colonial cultural acculturation in the form of architectural and interior concepts. Thus, the results of this analysis can be used as a form of contribution to preserve the cultural heritage of the archipelago and colonials in Indonesian cultural heritage buildings.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Titihan Sarihati, Fasya Prastiwi, Naura Wafa Febrina, Aliyya Meirissa Arvina ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/10919 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 00:00:00 +0700 Efektivitas Interior Rumah Susun 18 m2 dengan Konsep Modular https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/9683 <p><em>Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, with uneven population distribution, inequality at the economic level, and weak urban planning problems. The issues generated slum areas in big cities that disrupted urban planning, aesthetic image, and public health, then caused environmental and social problems. Vertical development in the form of low-income housing for the middle to lower class effectively addresses the problem of slums and overcrowded areas. However, it needs to be accompanied by a livable design.&nbsp;</em><em>This research examined a case study of interior design for 18 m<sup>2</sup> flats in Bandung City in 2022, with the target population of Bandung City residents, especially those living in slum areas. This research uses a qualitative case study method to provide interior design solutions for flats that are livable, functional, and effective for limited space. The research results showed that movable, foldable and modular furniture designs could produce ergonomic and functional apartment interiors by considering the effectiveness of space.&nbsp;The realization of this design concept has the potential to support Indonesia in having livable,&nbsp;</em>effective,<em>&nbsp;and aesthetic urban planning&nbsp;</em><em>if supported by the relevant city government</em></p> Athifa Sri Ismiranti ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/9683 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 14:34:45 +0700 Desain Angkringan Sebuah Resiliensi Saat Pandemi Covid-19 https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/10747 <p><em>The use of outdoor space as resilience during a pandemic seems to answer the community's need for social interaction when regulations apply to social-physical restrictions in carrying out activities. Angkringan as a place to eat outside began to appear a lot during the Covid-19 pandemic situation by offering affordable food prices, simple design places and other adjustments that follow health protocol rules. This makes people interested in visiting and spending time in these places. This research was conducted with the aim of analyzing the design of angkringan as resilience during a pandemic. In addition, this research can also provide insight to interior designers or architects on the use of outdoor space during a pandemic and serve as a guide during an endemic. The collection method was carried out by distributing questionnaires to 100 visitor respondents angkringan and observation to angkringan Temu Rasa in the parking area of ​​the Cening Ayu Souvenir Center, Sukawati, Gianyar. Observations emphasize the efforts made by the management to create a comfortable and safe outdoor space during a pandemic. Observation data will be compared with the results of people's preferences for angkringan during a pandemic. By using relevant theory, it is hoped that through this research the design resilience efforts can be identified which include layout, circulation, materials, furniture carried out in the design.angkringan to answer the need for outdoor space that is safe, comfortable, and in accordance with health protocols.</em></p> Ni Kadek Yuni Utami, Ni Made Sri Wahyuni Trisna ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/10747 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:08:03 +0700 Ruang Virtual : Wujud Kreativitas Digital di Ruang Publik https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/11470 <p><em>Virtual space is a movement in spatial creation. Digital technology is employed in virtual space to give users the chance to engage in certain activities with the goal of having a unique experience from that of conventional space. In contrast to typical venues, this encounter offers a unique spatial experience. The goal of this research is to develop an alternative to creating virtual environments based on factors that can affect a person's decision to adopt or reject an invention. Aim of the study is to develop an alternative to building virtual environments based on factors that can affect a person's decision to adopt or reject an innovation. This study seeks to (a) determine the features of space user behaviors when participating in audio-visual media based on digital technology ((b) analyze the perceptions created by users of public spaces. According to the study's goals, which center on comprehending the experience of a digital world, it employs qualitative research techniques. The study's findings revealed that (a) audio-visual material based on digital technology effects users' activity patterns, including how often and how long they sit in digital spaces. (b) the interaction between participants and attractiveness in digital media and space users changes their conceptions of the purpose of public space.</em></p> Tiara Isfiaty, Adzkay Dani Saleh ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/11470 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:38:46 +0700 Inovasi Ecollabo8 pada Sampah Plastik untuk Kebutuhan Interior https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/9163 <p><em>Plastic waste is one of the biggest causes of environmental pollution, especially soil and sea pollution. Proper management is needed to reduce the impact of plastic waste on the environment. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, waste management has not been able to reduce the impact of plastic waste by recycling and turning it into something more valuable. Ecollabo8 impact of plastic waste itself. It is necessary to process plastic waste that can be reused and increase the value of recycled products. Ecollabo8 is a community that aims to recycle plastic into interior materials, such as furniture, wall coverings, or materials for interior aesthetic elements. The purpose of this research is to provide information and references related to the processing of plastic waste from various categories so that it can become an interior material innovation by Ecollabo8. The research method used is the netnographic method by observing the activities and culture of Ecollabo8 through social media and online documentation.</em></p> Cita Luvi Sahita, Yunita Setyoningrum ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/9163 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:53:51 +0700 KAJIAN BANGUNAN LAWANG SEWU, SEMARANG, JAWA TENGAH SEBAGAI RUANG INTERAKSI SOSIAL https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/11162 <p><em>This article was born from the author's experience regarding the existence of social space in Lawang Sewu, Semarang which is the focus of the research. During the Dutch colonial era, Lawang Sewu was a Dutch railway office building known as NISM (Nederlandsch-Indische Spoorweg Maatschappij). Lawang Sewu has become a tourist destination with a change in function from an office to a museum. These changes have an impact on various activities in the Lawang Sewu complex which give birth to various social spaces, and space cannot be separated from human life. Space is often only identified through visible forms, but space is also intangible, which comes from ideas, experiences, memories, culture, and history. The aim of this research is to provide a new perspective in looking at the "spatial form" of various social activities that are tangible and intangible. This qualitative research will involve a phenomenological approach related to experiences written narratively. Literature studies and sources from previous research will support the optimization of research analysis. The results of this research show the components of social space in the Lawang Sewu complex and it is hoped that this can become a reference regarding Lawang Sewu in general and space in particular.</em></p> Tessa Eka Darmayanti, Miky Endro Santoso ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/11162 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 16:11:49 +0700 UPAYA KEBERLANJUTAN DESAIN PADA RAK PAJANG MENGGUNAKAN METODE ATUMICS https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/10929 <p><em>The goal of the research is to provide an explanation of how retail shelves are designed with sustainability in mind, utilizing the Atumics model. Design sustainability is one endeavor to connect the elements of space with human activity in order to remain sustainable. It addresses the conditions and bad repercussions in an environmental crisis, health, and user comfort. Using the model atumics, this research attempts to address the issue of one of the space elements, specifically furniture in the shape of a shed shelf that is used to keep the store's necessities and to exhibit the product for sale. The Atumics model is a sustainable furniture design that combines elements of tradition and current design by combining many design references with pre-existing vintage goods. In order to process data from observations and literary studies, this research use qualitative methodologies. It is anticipated that the findings of this study will serve as the foundation for the development of new furniture innovations with broader designs that can be sold to a larger market. smaller in size and form, and simple to modify to fit the demands of the current market. Furniture is not only utilized in retail establishments; it can also be positioned in other establishments until the property is used as a storage facility</em></p> Erlana Adli Wismoyo, Mahendra Nur Hadiansyah, Annisa Muarrafah; Dewanti Anggun Kurnia; Raudinahaq Syarafina Nursetyo, Silvy Amelia Nursa’adah ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/10929 Tue, 28 Nov 2023 16:24:11 +0700 Kajian Ragam Material Rotan Dengan Sistem Modular Pada Interior Bangunan Residensial https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/9479 <p>Rattan is one of the main materials in simple crafts and interior furniture items. Rattan also has economic value as a commercially viable product. The gradual decline in rattan production is increasingly visible both at home and abroad as a result of product marketing diversification having to target larger markets. Diversification of rattan products also benefits young designers by increasing their opportunities and competition in producing decorative panel designs made from local rattan. This research explores the various types of rattan materials available and identifies the unique characteristics of each type of rattan and their potential in modular design, so that rattan panels become one of the right renewable solutions to increase the absorbency of rattan materials with more efficient manufacturing techniques. The interior aesthetic benefits of rattan-based room dividers are projected to be utilized in various interior components to enhance the image of connected items and support local nuances in a more modern dressing, in line with the rise of residential buildings. Through this work, it is hoped that it can become a source of knowledge for students and can compete both aesthetically and functionally.</p> Anggi Dwi Astuti ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/9479 Wed, 29 Nov 2023 09:06:53 +0700 Pengaplikasian Hunian Green Design secara Sederhana untuk Menghadapi Dampak yang Ditimbulkan Pandemi https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/3512 <p><em>One major objective of the green design philosophy that many homes have embraced these days is lessening the effects of global warming. This is due to the fact that architecture is one of the main causes of global warming. A global quarantine involving severe limitations on human movement was implemented in 2021 because to the COVID-19 pandemic, and homes were turned into places where people may engage in a variety of activities throughout the clock. This is due to the COVID-19 virus, which is indiscriminate in its transmission and dangerous to human life, particularly in immunocompromised individuals. In the ongoing pandemic, significant efforts have been made to halt the COVID-19 virus's spread. Benefits of green design have been found to extend beyond reduced energy use and global warming. In particular, it mitigates the COVID-19 virus's effects on housing, which is one method it prevents the virus from propagating. Through a number of journal reviews and prior research studies, this qualitative study examines the relationship between green design principles and human health and how to implement them in housing. Simple green design implementations in residential buildings are expected to mitigate the COVID-19 pandemic's effects, particularly with regard to the health of the occupants.</em></p> Hendi Anwar, Moch Fatin Abdul Naufal, Reza Hambali Wilman Abdulhadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/3512 Wed, 29 Nov 2023 09:54:39 +0700 Filosofi Ornamen Khas Tionghoa Restoran Kentjana Pecinan Bogor https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/9610 <p><em>This study aims to clarify why the design of the Kentjana Pecinan Bogor Restaurant has philosophical meaning embedded in the ornament display, in addition to aesthetic aspects. Furthermore, the placement of these decorations attempts to transform the Kentjana Pecinan Bogor Restaurant into a venue for cultural conversations in addition to serving traditional Chinese cuisine. The research method utilized to get this explanation is descriptive qualitative in order to gain optimal analysis. Field observations, interviews, documentation studies, and literature reviews were used to gather the majority of the study's data. Twelve ornaments total—five exterior and seven interior—were found as a consequence of the material investigation. Door god paintings, Pa Kua, small and huge lanterns, and dragon urns make up the external ornamentation. Photographs of Bogor City Heritage, typical Chinese woven plants: plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum (</em><em>梅, </em><em>兰, </em><em>竹, and </em><em>菊), an altar of three gods (Earth God, Goddess Kwan Im, Cai Shen God, Meihua Flower Tree, Statues Mílè Púsà, and miniature Píxiū) were among the interior decorations discovered. This research includes the meanings and significance associated with each of these ornaments in their installation.</em></p> Yogi Bagus Adhimas, Catur Wulandari, Shinta Annisa Fadia ##submission.copyrightStatement## https://ojs.unikom.ac.id/index.php/wacaciptaruang/article/view/9610 Wed, 29 Nov 2023 10:17:40 +0700