Waca Cipta Ruang 2024-06-26T13:21:25+07:00 Febry Maharlika Open Journal Systems <table style="height: 541px;" width="633"> <tbody> <tr> <td align="justify" valign="top">&nbsp;</td> <td style="width: 30px;">&nbsp;</td> <td align="justify" valign="top"> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img src="/public/site/images/febrymaharlika/COVERVOL9NO1.jpg" width="349" height="242" align="&quot;middle"></p> <p>Waca Cipta Ruang is a scientific journal published by the&nbsp; Interior Design Department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia in May and November each year. This journal publishes the results of research and studies on Interior Design including theoretical studies, arts and cultural studies, and design studies in the context of space, which are focused on the theme of space and culture.</p> <p>Waca Cipta Ruang journal collaborates with HDII Jawa Barat (Indonesian Interior Designers Association) professional association and the Design and Art Journal: NARADA in order to improve the quality of manuscripts published in our journal.</p> <p>Before registering a manuscript, please fill out the registration form first via the link:&nbsp; <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> </a>with The manuscript received is a manuscript that meets the conditions made by the journal editorial team, and will be reviewed by reviewers through a blind review process, where the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and vice versa. The Letter of Acceptance (LOA) will only be issued after the manuscript has passed the specified stages, namely: check turnitin and review from the reviewer, so that it meets the standards of the space copyright journal.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Konfigurasi Layout Area Kerja Berdasarkan Preferensi Pengguna (Studi Kasus : Area Kerja Dosen Desain Interior, Universitas Telkom) 2024-06-26T13:21:25+07:00 Fajarsani Retno Palupi <p><em>The typical workday lasts between eight and nine hours, with employees spending a significant portion of their time at the office. This makes the office a second home for many, where they spend their productive time. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the office space is well-organized and comfortable, as it plays a vital role in supporting the physical comfort of its users. The layout of the office space and the furniture arrangement must be carefully considered to accommodate the various activities that take place within it. This arrangement can be analysed in several ways in order to obtain the most efficient results according to the activities of office work area users. This research was conducted in the workspace of interior design lecturers at </em>Universitas Telkom<em>, with a </em>kasus studi<em> approach, using data collection techniques in the form of direct observation of ongoing activities and data collection of types of cubicle layout arrangements in the work area. The research focuses on three key areas: the arrangement of the work area, the circulation of the work area, and the primary activities that occur in the workspace. The study revealed that each user organises their work area according to their personal needs and comfort, in accordance with the activities that take place in their respective workspaces.</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <p><strong>Keywords: </strong><em>Layout, working area, cubicle type, efficiency</em></p> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> 2024-05-20T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Persepsi Wisatawan Lokal pada Interior Onshore Floating Resort 2024-06-26T13:21:25+07:00 Ratna Andriani Nastiti Alfian Candra Ayuswantana Onna Anieko Tanadda Ibrahim Fata Nevlin Cresentia Herwina Mazaya Islami Dini <p><em>The concept of healing has gained significant popularity in Indonesia, particularly in light of the recent surge in Covid-19 cases.&nbsp;&nbsp; The term "healing" has gained popularity in Google searches as a replacement for the term "traveling".&nbsp;&nbsp; An intriguing therapeutic retreat is the Bee Jay Bakau Resort, located in Probolinggo.&nbsp;&nbsp; One notable coastal destination with promising potential is the floating resort.&nbsp;&nbsp; In general, floating resorts offer distinctive accommodations that provide a unique experience of being on the sea.&nbsp;&nbsp; Tourists can immerse themselves in the oceanic lifestyle, enjoying panoramic views and the company of marine fauna.&nbsp;&nbsp; The aforementioned experience can be imparted to tourists through the aid of a captivating and unforgettable floating interior design.&nbsp;&nbsp; The objective of the research is to identify visual elements that can impact tourists' perception while inside the floating resort.&nbsp;&nbsp; The study will utilize a qualitative descriptive method, employing the snowball sampling approach to recruit participants.&nbsp;&nbsp; Data acquisition is accomplished through the utilization of the semi-structured interview technique to get information from respondents.&nbsp;&nbsp; The study findings revealed variations in the perspective of individual tourists, with a predominant emphasis on the visual elements of the interior.&nbsp;&nbsp; Moreover, the outcomes of this study are anticipated to serve as a standard for developing interior designs for floating resorts, particularly in the context of a post-pandemic environment. </em></p> 2024-05-30T23:06:22+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Perancangan Ulang Ruang Kelas Sekolah Dasar Pandu dengan Pendekatan Sustainable Interior Design 2024-06-26T13:21:25+07:00 Edwin Rifanindio <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><em>ABSTRACT</em></strong></p> <p><em>An eco friendly way of life that is apllied to the curriculum and infrastructure of an early childhood education institution will provide knowledge, skills and instill a caring attitude towards the environment in it’s student. Pandu School already has the concept of environment care in it’s education program, but The Pandu School elementary class room facilities are not adequate to support a safe, comfortable and enjoyable teaching and learning process atmosphere. For this reason, it is necessary to redesign elementary school classrooms so that they feel more spacious and flexible in responding to various furniture arrangements and increase the comfort of the indoor air temperature. The method uses a design method with a Sustainable Interior Design approach. The design stages start with problem formulation, data collection stage, problem formulatiom analysis, design concept stage to design creation. The redesign concept creates a safe, comfortable and pleasant interior space by making it easier for natural light and fresh air to enter the room. One side of the existing wall was opened maximally to expand the classroom floor area to make it appear more spacious while bringing an open natural atmosphere into the classroom.</em></p> <p><strong><em>Keywords : </em></strong><em>Sustainable interior design , safe, comfortable, enjoyable</em></p> 2024-05-30T23:15:45+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Generasi Milenial Terhadap Experience Pengunjung pada Smart Banking Lounge 2024-06-26T13:21:25+07:00 Revaya Radityotomo Susy Budi Astuti Mahendra Wardhana <p><em>Millennial generation, as technology-savvy users, possesses unique consumer preferences, openness to innovation, and demands for a comfortable and efficient user experience. Despite the advancements in digital banking technology, an increasing number of customers are reluctant to visit physical banks, resulting in a decline in visitor numbers. Therefore, this research aims to provide an understanding of the dynamics of the relationship between the millennial generation and visitor experiences in Smart Banking Lounges. The research methodology applied is a comparative descriptive method with an Omni-channel approach, where all channels are integrated to deliver the best experience to visitors. Data is obtained through literature studies on banking in Indonesia, digital banking, requirements for digital banking media in physical banks, banking activities, and the millennial generation. In the discussion, the research identifies the influence of the millennial generation on Smart Banking Lounges, including high technology skills, preferences for efficiency and speed, as well as the desire for personalized experiences and social engagement. This research provides valuable insights for the banking industry in designing and enhancing Smart Banking Lounges to be more responsive to the preferences and expectations of the millennial generation, thereby improving competitiveness and overall banking service quality.</em></p> 2024-05-30T23:26:34+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Role Of Bale Sarasehan In The Maintenance And Preservation Of Local Cultural Identity in Cireundeu Traditional Village 2024-06-26T13:21:25+07:00 Bassya Saquf Turmudzi Muhammad Al Fariz Sarah Salmadha Putri Balya Ramdifa Al Aziz Salmon Priaji Martana <p>Cireundeu traditional village is one of the traditional villages in West Java that still keeping its noble values applied to the community from generation to generation. These noble values are also applied through one of its architectural cultural products, Bale Sarasehan. Its existence is very important in terms of functional and symbolic aspects. Functionally, Bale Sarasehan acts as a gathering place for the community to carry out various traditional activities that can strengthen social ties and cultural values inherent in their identity, such as religious ceremonies, traditional art performances, a space to transmit and pass on cultural knowledge to the younger generation. While the building is symbolically conveyed through its architectural form and also the use of materials in its structure, it also has a connotative meaning or message about the life teachings of its community. This research uses a limited fieldwork method with a qualitative approach and collects data through observation, interviews and documentary studies. Through this research, it is expected to gain a better understanding of the role of Bale Sarasehan, which can contribute to the sustainability of the maintenance and preservation of local wisdom as a local cultural identity in Cireundeu Traditional Village.</p> <p>Cireundeu traditional village is one of the traditional villages in West Java that still keeping its noble values applied to the community from generation to generation. These noble values are also applied through one of its architectural cultural products, Bale Sarasehan. Its existence is very important in terms of functional and symbolic aspects. Functionally, Bale Sarasehan acts as a gathering place for the community to carry out various traditional activities that can strengthen social ties and cultural values inherent in their identity, such as religious ceremonies, traditional art performances, a space to transmit and pass on cultural knowledge to the younger generation. While the building is symbolically conveyed through its architectural form and also the use of materials in its structure, it also has a connotative meaning or message about the life teachings of its community. This research uses a limited fieldwork method with a qualitative approach and collects data through observation, interviews and documentary studies. Through this research, it is expected to gain a better understanding of the role of Bale Sarasehan, which can contribute to the sustainability of the maintenance and preservation of local wisdom as a local cultural identity in Cireundeu Traditional Village.</p> 2024-05-30T00:00:00+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Pencahayaan Pada Ruang Ganti Terhadap Persepsi Calon Pembeli di Toko Fashion 2024-06-26T13:21:25+07:00 Yuma Chandrahera Shirly Nathania Suhanjoyo <p>The process of changing room on fashion products at a retailer that sells products is an important process in determining purchasing decisions. When trying on clothes, potential buyers will make sure whether to buy or not the product they are wearing by considering various factors, and most importantly how the product fits or not. When trying in the dressing room, the interior elements that can affect humans are related to the size of the room, mirrors, interior materials and lighting in the dressing room. Of these several factors, lighting is one of the important factors that can influence perception and can have a certain effect on product appearance. The quality of lighting that needs to be understood is the intensity of the light and the color of the light. In connection with the color temperaturof light that can affect the appearance of the product used and also affect the original color of the product, it is necessary to pay attention to which color temperaturof light is best used in the dressing room of fashion products on the perception of prospective buyers so that they feel appropriate, add to the attractiveness of the product so that strengthen purchase decisions.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><em>Keywords: color temperature, lighting design, fashion, product, dressing room</em></p> 2024-05-30T23:34:31+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## The Influence of Interior Color on Visitor Attraction at Lush Pets Co. 2024-06-26T13:21:25+07:00 Sydney Wijaya Pieloor Yuma Chandrahera Tessa Eka Darmayanti <p>Warna&nbsp;&nbsp; berperan&nbsp;&nbsp; penting&nbsp;&nbsp; dalam&nbsp;&nbsp; kehidupan&nbsp;&nbsp; se-hari-hari, seringkali&nbsp;&nbsp; warna&nbsp;&nbsp; dianggap&nbsp;&nbsp; hanya&nbsp;&nbsp; sebagai&nbsp;&nbsp; bagian&nbsp;&nbsp; kehidupan&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; yang&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; memberikan&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; keindahan&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; visual&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; bagi&nbsp; manusia. Lush pets co. merupakan sebuah <em>pet shop</em> yang menyediakan perlengkapan hewan dan layanan <em>grooming </em>untuk anjing. Layaknya sebuah gerai ketertarikan pengunjung merupakan faktor penting sehingga diperlukan suasana yang dapat membuat pengunjung tertarik untuk berbelanja atau membawa hewan peliharanan untuk grooming. Suasana ruang sendiri dapat dibangun melalui beberapa faktor salah satunya adalah warna. Lalu bagaimana warna memberikan ketertarikan untuk pengunjung <em>lush pets co</em>.&nbsp; Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pentignya pemilihan warna pada ketertarikan pengunjung. Mengunakan metode kualitatif penelitian ini didukung dengan studi literatur mengenai psikologi warna. Dengan kesan yang dimiliki interior Lush pets co. memberikan rasa nyaman serta percaya dalam melakukan aktifitas berbelanja dan grooming hewan peliharaan.. Dengan adanya penelitian ini kita dapat mengetahui warna interior seperti apa yang menarik bagi pengunjung <em>pet shop</em>.</p> 2024-05-30T23:47:50+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Pengaruh Desain Interior pada Kenyamanan Pengunjung di FDC Dental Clinic 2024-06-26T13:21:25+07:00 Niken Laksitarini Ardianto Nugroho Salsabila Zashika Rizki Ciputra Tegar Perkasa <p><em>FDC Dental Clinic has 24 branches spread across Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, Bekasi, Bandung, Surabaya and Yogyakarta. FDC Dental Clinic is a dental clinic that has a thematic concept with the hope that visitors will feel comfortable during the examination process and when queuing in the waiting room. Convenience at the dental clinic is one of the most important things that directly affects the perception of visitors, in the end if the visitor's perception of the clinic is negative, it will cause reluctance to visit and have their teeth examined. color, texture, lay out furniture and lighting. The purpose of this study was to find out how external factors found in the interior can affect psychological (internal factors). The benefit for visitors, especially children, is to be able to reduce the feeling of discomfort when they are in the dental clinic. The method used in this study is a descriptive qualitative approach with data collection in the form of field observations, interviews and questionnaires distributed to visitors. The results and conclusions drawn from this study will include the extent to which interior design influences the comfort of dental clinic visitors, especially children.</em><br><em><strong>Keywords</strong>: convenience, dental clinic, interior</em></p> 2024-05-31T00:37:05+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Analisis Desain Spasial pada Bangunan Prefabrikasi: Residensial 2024-06-26T13:21:25+07:00 Anita Febrianti Kusumah <p><em>Prefabricated residential innovation is producing large-scale building components from factory environmental standards and then assembled at the construction site, obtaining production process efficiency benefits with modular methods, adjusting to occupant needs from agreed design configurations. However, this innovation brings the dilemma of ownership being closer to manufacturing than occupants and the existence of standard limits in design improvisation. This study aims to evaluate the production results of prefabricated building components in its innovation to residents in planning occupancy, as it is known that the dilemma of prefabricated occupancy allows the risk of gaps between residents to places or known as placelessness. </em></p> <p><em>Qualitative methods with a case study approach have been used in this research through spatial design analysis by Ian Higgins by explaining physical elements through planning strategies, spatial requirements, and spatial compositions. The results of the study concluded that prefabricated buildings achieve occupancy factors; 1) Effective and functional, refers to meeting key needs and supporting activities, 2) Practical and optimal, refers to the design of space arrangements that prioritize comfort and convenience, 3) Compatible, refers to achieving room personalization according to needs and lifestyle.</em></p> 2024-05-31T00:39:38+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement## Perancangan Mebel Fasilitas Belajar dan Bermain Anak-Anak Pra-Sekolah dengan Metoda Partisipatoris 2024-06-26T13:21:25+07:00 Cherry cherry Dharmawan <p>Artikel &nbsp;ini membahas &nbsp;proses perancangan fasilitas belajar dan bermain untuk anak-anak pra sekolah dengan metode partisipatori di Taman Kanak-Kanak Al Qur’an (Tkq) Ikhlasunniyah, Bandung. Fasilitas belajar dan bermain berupa sebuah meja belajar dan bermain dalam satu fasilitas untuk ana-anak pra-sekolah. &nbsp;Permasalahan dari penelitian ini ialah Bagaimana desain fasilitas untuk belajar dan bermain yang murah. Selain itu juga permasalahan lainnya adalah bagaimana bahan-bahan tersebut harus&nbsp; mempunyai tingkat keamanan dan kesehatan pada . Penelitian ini menggunakan metode partsipatori, bepusat pada pengguna ( <em>Human center design</em> ), yang merupakan sebuah metoda dari pemikiran <em>design thinking</em>. Setiap tahapan harus melibatkan pengguna / <em>user</em>.Hasil akhir dari penilitian ini adalah prototipe sebuah meja belajar dan bermain dengan memanfaatan bahan-bahan bekas dari sisa proyek interior di workshop- workshop di Bandung yang &nbsp;merupakan terjemahan dari berbagai aktivitas yang dapat melatih motorik halus dari anak-anak pra-sekolah.</p> 2024-06-10T09:22:15+07:00 ##submission.copyrightStatement##