
Design Model of Application Measurement Imperfect Information to Procesing Data Surveys Level of Website Learning With Fuzzy Query Basis Data Method

Sri Ipnuwati
Computer and Informatics Management College STMIK Pringsewu, Lampung
M. Islam Mahdi
Computer and Informatics Management College STMIK Pringsewu, Lampung
Published August 20, 2018


Abstract— Mastery of information technology applied in the design of information systems in the form of the web at this time becomes an absolute necessity in implementing business processes of an institution and organization. The level of students 'ability in information systems in web design is a goal to increase students' competitive value in global trading climate. In an effort to increase the mastery of students in designing a web needs to measure the level of mastery, so that the material evaluation of lecturers in the process of teaching and learning activities, especially web courses. Method Fuzzy Query Database is one method to measure the level of imperfect data and information precision (Imperfect Information). In the process of survey level mastery of programming materials and web design data collected not only the exact data but it can be data that contains doubt, imperfection and uncertainty so that in the process of decision-making occurs imperfect information so ineffective and accurate. This research is expected to assist computer lecturers in evaluating the achievement of learning, lecture materials and teaching techniques in the lecture hall.