Keywords: Cancellation of Bilateral Agreement;, Loans to China;, International Law.


The One Belt One Road (OBOR) project initiated by the Chinese Government has gripped countries in the international community. Especially to Southeast Asia, where Malaysia and Indonesia are borrowing countries to China. Replacement of government in Malaysia related to corruption cases 1 MDB, resulting in changes in government policy Malaysia. The cancellation basis, because all the raw materials or the materials used are from China following also engineers and unskilled laborers, thus causing a massive migration from China to Malaysia. In the case of this cancellation, of course, the legal consequences for Malaysia as a borrowing country and China as a lending country. Unlike Indonesia, which until now, it is known that the Indonesian Government has established bilateral relations with the Chinese Government in terms of infrastructure development, such as: toll road and airport in Indonesia. The main problem in this study, namely if this bilateral dispute is brought to the International Court of Justice, is the mechanism for executing an international court decision to be issued later.

Author Biography

Tri Murti Lubis, Universitas Sumatera Utara

Tri Murti Lubis is a student of the Doctor of Law Program at the USU Faculty of Law, Medan. Born in Medan, completed his undergraduate program in 2009 and master's program in 2011 at USU, Medan. Apart from being a student, Tri is also teaching staff at the Department of Economic Law, Faculty of Law at USU, Medan, who teaches courses in capital market law, corporate organization law, and bankruptcy law, and conducts research activities in the field of law and community service.


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How to Cite
Lubis, Tri. 2021. “AKIBAT HUKUM PEMBATALAN PERJANJIAN BILATERAL TERKAIT PINJAMAN KEPADA CHINA DALAM PERSPEKTIF HUKUM INTERNASIONAL”. Res Nullius Law Journal 3 (1), 79-88. https://doi.org/10.34010/rnlj.v3i1.3830.