Pengaruh Bauran Ritel terhadap Loyalitas Konsumen pada Toserba X di Kota Bandung

  • Rizki Zulfikar Universitas Komputer Indonesia
Keywords: Retail mix, consumer satisfaction and consumer loyality


The aim of this research is to know the influence of retail mix on consumer
loyality at Toserba X in Bandung city. The method used in this research are descriptiveand explanatory survey done at three branches of toserba X in Bandung city.

There are two groups of variables used in this research, that is independent
variables consist of merchandising ( X1), price ( X2), location ( X3), promotion (X4), design store & visual of product ( X5), service ( X6), personnel ( X7), and consumer loyality (Y) as dependent variables. The data was collected throught observation, interview, and quetionnaire. For the purpose of this research, used likert scale and collected from 132 sample and using simple random sampling. The data analysed by using path analysis.

The results of this research indicates that of retail mix by simultan and partial have an effect on consumer loyality where service variable have biggest effect to consumer loyality.


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