Strategi Keunggulan Bersaing Melalui Orientasi Pasar dan Jiwa Kewirausahaan pada Sentra Industri Kaos Suci Bandung

  • Dewi Kania
Keywords: market orientation, entrepreneurial spirit, a competitive advantage


The emergence of competition in the business world is unavoidable. With the
competition, the company faced with the opportunities that come from outside or from within the country, for each company is required to always know and understand what is happening in the market and what the consumer desires are constantly changing. Moreover, the company engaged in the sale of clothing in large quantities, then the assessment component of the market or market orientation, supported by an entrepreneurial spirit will enhance the company's competitive advantage of the company.

This research aims to determine the company's response regarding market orientation, entrepreneurship, competitive advantage and how big the influence of market orientation and entrepreneurial spirit to competitive advantage at the center of the Suci’s shirt Bandung as simultaneously or Persia.

The results of research show that the market orientation and entrepreneurship affect the competitive advantage. This is evident from the results of the analysis of verification in the form of multiple regression analysis, correlation, and determination. The orientation market and entrepreneurship increases, So the competitive advantage will decrease. The results indicate that the hypothesis of market orientation and entrepreneurship spirit affect the competitive advantage of both partial.


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