Development of Science and Technology Areas in Koi Fish Cultivation

  • K Komarudin Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
  • R Latif Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
  • MRH Abdullah Urban and Regional Planning Study Program, Universitas Komputer Indonesia, Indonesia
Keywords: Regional, Planning, Government, Economy


The purpose of making this research in the area of science and technology aims to increase production yields and the quality of cultivation in order to improve the regional economy. To support the development of an area, the methods used are qualitative and quantitative methods to be used as material for analysis along with observations to directly review the area to be developed in Ciuyah Village, Kab. Sumedang. The results of the development of science and technology-based cultivation areas will involve the role of academics and government actors in accordance with the mandate of Permenristekdikti No. 25 of 2019 concerning Governance for the Implementation of Science and Technology Areas (KST). By involving the role of academics and government, it is hoped that it can accelerate the regional economy. In this case, the role of academics and government is needed to provide an innovation and supporting technology through assistance in it. Of course, with the role of academics and the government, it can affect the Development of Science and Technology-Based Cultivation Areas and improve the regional and regional economy.

How to Cite
Komarudin, K., Latif, R., & Abdullah, M. (2024). Development of Science and Technology Areas in Koi Fish Cultivation. International Journal of Regional Planning, 1, 27-34.