International Journal of Computer in Humanities <p align="justify">International Journal of Computer in Humanities (INJUCHUM) is open access and peer-reviewed international journal managed by Universitas Komputer Indonesia. INJUCHUM aims to publish originals research and quality articles work in the field of social sciences and humanities and is an annual journal published since 2021.</p> <p align="justify">International Journal of Computer in Humanities welcomes researchers, industries, practitioners, students, and lecturers from related fields to contribute by submitting articles that illustrate research results significant advances in social sciences and humanities that can contribute to the development of science.</p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p align="justify">&nbsp;</p> Universitas Komputer Indonesia en-US International Journal of Computer in Humanities Attitudes on Halal Beauty Products: An Appraisal Analysis <p>Advertorials as a writing genre composed in mass media persuade readers to use the products advertised. Stances as essential interpersonal aspects enact the writers’ evaluation of the subjects in a discourse. This paradigmatic discourse analysis qualitative research focused on the text describing what attitudinal values were prevalent and how the writers manipulated them. An advertorial promoting beauty product was analyzed to depict the interpersonal meta functions employed. It was pinpointed that Affects, Judgments and Appreciation, sub-categories of Attitudes in Appraisal System, were completely present in which Judgment domains were overtly exploited. Subsequently, Capacity and Tenacity were preponderantly of prevalence in particular. Therefore, these were apt to the writer’s evaluation of judgment values over the products towards prospective buyers, namely Indonesian female Muslims. It is imperative that addition and comparison of other forms of discourse to explore Attitudes in depth be in the need.</p> Marwito Wihadi Eva Tuckyta Sari Sujatna ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2021-03-05 2021-03-05 1 1 12 Digital Media using Android Device for Japanese Grammar Learning <p>This study aims to determine the application of digital media impact as a grammar learning media. The method used in this study is quantitative descriptive method, which is supported by questionnaire. This study's results were based on calculation of the survey results from Google Docs, which are distributed to 12 final-year students of the Japanese literature department, Universitas Komputer Indonesia. This study shows the Japanese grammar learning application and discusses its features. The conclusion obtained in this study is that the application is very useful and has complete features. This study's conclusion shows that 100% of respondents use digital learning applications as their learning media.&nbsp; They stated that the application is very useful, more practical, easier to carry, and easier to use, and very helpful in learning Japanese, even though several features need to be improved. The use of this application media can increase motivation and Japanese grammar skills. The development and improvement of the quality of application media to get better learning outcomes are needed.</p> V C. D . Manoppo B S Kusuma I Fakhry S M Setiana Yoza Achmad Adidaya ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2021-03-15 2021-03-15 1 13 20 Refining Abstrak using Machine Translation <p>This paper investigates steps in which abstrak of a paper may be well translated into abstract using particular computer aided tool, the machine translation. In analysing the steps mentioned, the narrative-descriptive method is implemented in order to specify the sequence of the steps. In the process, it turned out that there were at least 4 steps to perform in order to create a well translated abstrak into abstract. Four steps can be done in order to create one well-translated abstrak. Each steps requires systematic analysis in order to achieve correct and accurate translation. Finishing the steps mean the translated abstrak may require further action in order to achieve best result. By performing these systematic and step by step sequences, the abstrak can express your best thought, additionally, the steps can even be extended to the entire paper to achieve the accurate translation.</p> Tatan Tawami Susi Yuliawati ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2021-04-01 2021-04-01 1 21 32 Topicalization Shift in the Bahasa Indonesia Subtitle of Stephen Hawking’s General Lecture <p>One of the most important aspect that must be upheld in translation is readability for the audience of target language when watching a subtitled video. Due to a difference in culture and language systems, the translation may not exactly match the text or utterances of the source language word-for-word. One of the differences that are commonly found in subtitling is the difference of topicalization in English and Bahasa Indonesia. Departing from this problem, the aim of this research is to investigate the changes in topicalization from English to Bahasa Indonesia in subtitling. The method used descriptive-qualitative with a comparative approach. In addition, Observation and Literature Review techniques were used as primary and secondary data collection techniques. The case study for this research is a video of general lecture by Stephen Hawking. The results found that there are three texts that have different topicalization from their source language. These changes were made based on the guidelines of subtitling, which influenced the decision to change the topical element in the clause. In conclusion, topicalization is used to maintain and adapt the meaning contained in English and to keep the number of characters in each line from exceeding the limit on the number of characters. It is hoped that this research can be a reference for further research, as well as increase awareness that language shift is common in translation as a means to optimize the conveyance of meaning.</p> Chepi Nur Albar Retno Purwani Sari ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2021-04-08 2021-04-08 1 33 40 International Student Adaptation Factors in Malaysian Public Universities <p>The research focuses on the internationalization of Malaysia's Higher Education by ensuring that the increasing number of international students will be accommodated fairly. The issues addressed will revolve around the Psychological Factor with the Intercultural Adaptation Model by Kim Young Yun as the foundation. The model was used as the framework to focus on the psychological issue the international students experienced. Twelve international students were selected as respondents from four public universities in Malaysia: UPM, UKM, UM and USM as the main research area. This qualitative research used a semi-structured interview as the main instrument of data collection, online interview using WeBex and Google Meet were used. Respondents were selected using quota sampling with varying characteristics. Results were analysed by using the colour-coding technique assisted by ATLAS.ti. Although it is psychologically challenging, some of it is actually helping as a part of their life circle's support system, namely the presence of supportive classmates and support group.</p> I R Ismail Y S Yushriman C H Che Noh A L Ahmad R Rashid ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2021-04-28 2021-04-28 1 41 50 Artificial Intelligence Meet Language as Technology Advances in Translation Tools <p>AI is a technology emulating the intellectual capabilities of the human brain, including the ability to communicate using specific languages. This study was aimed at exploring how the initial concept and development of AI and language can transform into a tool aiding humans in acquiring extensive knowledge, similar to current technology. To achieve this, the authors conducted a Narrative Review and Literature Study. The results of the study's Google Form survey on Artificial Intelligence showed that 89.5% of the respondents were aware of AI, while 10.5% of them were not. Additionally, 78.9% of the respondents preferred Google Translate as a translation tool, while 21.1% of them preferred UDictionary. Subsequently, 52.6% of the respondents frequently used the Translation Tool, whereas 47.4% of them rarely used it. Moreover, 15.8% of the respondents assumed a supplementary assumption of 50%, while 5.3%of them believed that 60% and 30% constituted the conclusion derived from the writings and surveys about the Artificial Intelligence Meet Language as Technology Advance in Translation Tools. It is concluded that the Translator Tool belongs to the category of AI machines, and AI translation results behave more like human translators than bilingual dictionaries</p> Metha Alifa S Annisa Ghaisani Dzatil Hidayah Rahmadsyah Aditya Marwito Wihadi ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2021-05-20 2021-05-20 1 51 58