
The development of the technology that is increasingly advanced and the rapid condition of the industrial market in order to be able to provide satisfaction to consumers, by providing products that are in accordance with quality standards. One of the things that must be done to reduce defects in the product is to control quality. With the implementation of control it is expected to guarantee the achievement of short-term and long-term targets that have been determined by the company. The company is required to pay attention to the products produced, including paying attention to product quality. To minimize the occurrence of products with poor quality. Then activities are carried out using the Quality Control Circle (QCC) method. The analytical method done is to use the Fishbone diagram. With the activities carried out, expected quality improvement will continue, and the quality is getting better. To minimize the making of goods that are less qualified by the company requires each operator to maintain 3M (not accept, not make and not continue). In addition, if there is upnormal when the process is on the process, the operator is required to take Stop, Call, Wait (SCW).