
The problem contained in CV. Berkah Kreatif Mandiri is the lack of employee professionalism towards its duties. In the form of: not adhere to the procedure or rules set, come late, lack of communication between employees and the lack of employee empathy on the work done. Judging from some of these problems, this greatly affects employee performance. Then the objectives to be achieved in this study are to analyze the effect of work discipline on employee performance at CV. Berkah Kreatif Mandiri in Karawang Regency. This research was conducted with descriptive and verification methods. The sample in this study amounted to 30 respondents. Then the sampling technique, including non-probability sampling with saturated sampling categories. Based on data on the results of the work discipline variable (X) on employee performance (Y), with a significant level (α) = 5%, (DF) = (N - 2) = 30 - 2 = 28. Then ttable = 0.747, tcount = 1,701, sig value. (0.461)> α (0.05) and tcount = (0.747) <ttable = (1,701), can be declared H0 accepted. Thus it can be concluded that work discipline (X) partially does not affect employee performance (Y). The results of data processing are assisted by SPSS, this aims to get accurate results.